
一款老外发布的指标,据说正确率90%。依据观察属于价格趋势的指标。三个时间周期(M5,M15,H1/H4)的箭头同向时下单: 三个红色向下箭头:空单,三个绿色箭头向上:多单。 附件有两个文件:TraderTykhev1.00.ex4文件放在指标文件夹(Indicators)中,Tradertykhev_4文件为设置文件夹中(Presets)。 对新手多说一句:当加载指标别忘了如图一所示的加载一下设置文件夹中的Tradertykhev_4文件(要么你什么都看不到)。 运行效果后如图二。 原文方法如下: 1. CANDLE M5 up to H4 ALL arrows red (sell) or green (buy) -you can trade too M5 - H1- 2. Trend Strength: ALL 3 arrow must in the same direction red sell green buy 3. opened all charts with pairs if you will trade and look allways what the price do give into every pair chart the following strength Indicator (is not for XAU and DAX)---原文这里还有一个指标我就没放了 感觉用处不大。 3. Start with lower TP 10 and SL 20 4. Test it first on Demo or with 0.01 Lot 5. Start 15 minutes after London open trade up to 15 Minutes befor London close (I trade in this time) 6. you become enough orders for + 100 Pips daily 7. have patience and wait for the best orders |
新闻EA运行效果图圈 2019-05-05
圈主:admin 帖子:1
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