Megapips is a multicurrency scalper Expert Advisor that applies technical peculiarities and characteristics of the volatility indicator in the short-term range of market movements.
The Expert Advisor DOES NOT use hedging, martingale, grid, arbitrage etc.
Adjustable Parameters
- ECN - ECN account type.
- VolatilityPeriod - volatility measurement period.
- VolatilityDelta - minimum volatility.
- TicksScalperStrategy - tick scalping strategy.
- LiteMode - enable the lite operation mode of the EA.
- PricePeriod - length of the price series.
- Refresh - if true, the EA takes into account only the prices processed with consideration of the step parameter.
- FilterStep - the minimum price step value.
- FilterAvg - averaging period of the price series.
- PriceExit - extremum breakout value.
- TimeMin - the minimum offset from a key points of the price series to generate a signal.
- TimeMax - the maximum offset from a key points of the price series to generate a signal.
- VolatilityStrategy - alternative non-tick scalping strategy.
- oneOrder - one order per one bar.
- baseMethod - basic calculation method (0-2).
- basePeriod - basic period.
- PriceAction - price brteakthrough for opening.
- RuleVolume - volume rule.
- RuleMovingAverage - additional rule of the moving average.
- MovingAverageMode - variant of the rule for the moving average (0-1).
- MovingAveragePeriod - period of the moving average.
- MovingAverageDelta - minimum indent from the moving average.
- RuleOrderClose - enable the rules for closing orders.
- OrderCloseTimeLag - time to close orders.
- DynamicStopLoss - enable stop loss calculation depending on market conditions.
- StopLossMethod - stop loss calculation method (0-3).
- StopLossPeriod - stop loss calculation period.
- StopLossKoef - stop loss calculation ratio.
- DynamicTrailingStop - enable calculation of a trailing stop depending on market conditions.
- TrailingStopMethod - trailing stop calculation method (0-3).
- TrailingStopPeriod - trailing stop calculation period.
- TrailingStopKoef - trailing stop calculation ratio.
- TakeProfit - take profit in points.
- StopLoss - stop loss in points.
- Trailing - enable a fixed trailing stop.
- HiddenTrailing - enable the hidden trailing mode.
- TrailingStop - trailing stop.
- TimeHourRange - if true, trade in a given time range only.
- TimeHourStart - trading start hour.
- TimeHourEnd - trading end hour.
- MagicNumber - order magic number.
- Lots - fixed trading lot.
- Risk - percentage of the balance to be used in trading.
- MaxLots - maximum lot.
- MaxSpread - maximum spread.
- MaxSlippage - maximum price slippage.
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- ¥3988.00
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- MT4 MT5跟单EA 本地跟单远程跟单 绝不
- ¥1100.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00