BARS trade system
Operation Principle
BARS is a trend trading expert advisor with main objective to achieve the take profit. There are two modes of operation: fully automatic and semi-automatic. In the latter case, trader is able to limit the price range.
System Features
The system does not use indicators. The trend calculation and auxiliary algorithms are based on the price action. The system has filters, which balance the system allowing it to adjust to the different modes of operation. The system works using a single order or a package of orders for one signal.
BARS is quite flexible to work in a wide range of modes with different trading instruments. BARS can be used as a platform for development of different trend strategies.
BARS is a clever hunter. It is able to cope with any possible difficult situation.
- Language – Russian or English.
- Border_color - color of the dashboard on the chart window.
- Vol - initial transaction volume.
- Max_vol - maximum transaction volume.
- Dif_vol_ON - change of volume in a series of transactions, depending on the number of transactions.
- Dif_vol_K - coefficient of multiplying the volume depending on the number of transactions. Suitable values from 1 to 1.1.
- iMax – maximum number of open orders (package).
- SLTP_ON - inclusion of SL and TP.
- SLVD - SL in the deposit currency. It operates when SLTP_ON = true.
- TPVD - TP in the deposit currency. It operates when SLTP_ON = true.
- Close_all_when_the_trend_changes_ON - closing deals with trend change.
- Close_all_trend_num - line number of the trend at the close of the trend. Value from 1 to 4.
- Magic - identifier of the order. Integer value.
- Slippage - slip. The maximum permissible deviation of prices for the transactions, 5 digits.
- Start_Trade_Hour - hour start trading. Value from 0 to 23.
- End_Trade_Hour - hour of trading is completed. The value of 0 to 23.
- Delta_Open_1_4pp - step #1 between transactions, 4 digits.
- Delta_Open_2_4pp - step #2 between transactions, 4 digits.
- Delta_Open_i2 - sequence number of the order in the package from which to begin step #2.
- Delta_Open_3_4pp - step #3 between transactions, 4 digits.
- Delta_Open_i3 - sequence number of the order in the package from which to begin step #3.
- Temporary_Delay_Minute - delay in minutes between transactions.
- Daily_range_ON - work daily range. Recommended value is true.
- Daily_range_4pp - width of the day's range, in pp., 4 decimal places.
- Daily_range_color - color borders daily range.
- DBZ_TF - DBZ timeframe. Recommended values are: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440.
- DBZ_K - DBZ coefficient. Recommended values from 0 to 1.
- DBZ_Min_4p - minimum width of DBZ, 4 digits.
- Using_spread_in_the_calculation_DBZ_ON - use spread in DBZ (true/false).
- BZ_ON - use the buffer zone (BZ). Recommended value is false.
- Auto_switch_BZ – auto turn on the BZ. Recommended value is true.
- Auto_switch_BZ_Num - number of transactions for auto turn on the BZ.
- BZ_SELL - sale if the price is above the specified value.
- BZ_BUY - buy if the price is below the specified value.
- Auto_BZ_Move_ON - BZ automatic mode.
- BZ_D1_Auto_Reset_ON - BZ installation at the level of the beginning of the day.
- BZ_D1_Auto_Reset_Delta_4pp - width BZ early in the day, 4 digits. Recommended values are from 0 to 50.
- BZ_color - color line BZ.
- Trend_ON - use trend. Recommended value is true.
- Trend_1_ON - Trend_4_ON - use the 1-4 trend line.
- Trend_wPeriod_1 - Trend_wPeriod_4 - period of 1-4 trend line. Recommended values are: 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440.
- Trend_1_1 - Trend_4_5 - line 1, cell 1 - line 4, cell 5.
- Volatility_TF1 - Volatility_TF4 - timeframe of volatility.
- MM_ON - money management.
- MM_Dif_vol_ON - change in the volume of the transaction on the balance of values.
- Balance_for_001 - balance on lot 0.01, in the deposit currency.
- Stop_Day_profit_ON - stop trading when the daily profit, in the deposit currency.
- Stop_Day_profit - value of the daily profit, in the deposit currency.
- MC_ON - manual confirmation of transactions.
- MC_all - confirmation of all transactions if true, package if false.
- MC_life_time_in_minutes - life time in minutes.
- MC_Play_sound - sound signal of manual /confirm/iation.
- MC_wav_file - wav file.
- alert_ON - alert window.
- Send_Mail - send an email at the address specified in the settings window.
- Send_Notification - sends push notifications to the mobile terminals, whose metaQuotes IDs are specified in the Notifications tab.
In the upper right corner, there are buttons: only buy, only sell, buy+sale, and manual confirmation of trades.
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