Algo Forex Scientist
This EA is combination the art of trading Algorithmic, volatility, filtered with chart pattern. Consist 4 strategy with different formula and all using pending order. EA is very adaptive to the market because EA divide market into high, medium, low and very low volatility first and then each level volatility have different order management. EA passed all market condition in the last 13 years test with good performance and Its works on multiple pairs on EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD.
- Visible StopLoss, TrailingStop
- Backup order management with hidden StopLoss, hidden TrailingStop
- Slippages and Trade cost Monitor
- NO Martingale/Semi Martingale
- NO Grid Trading
- NO Arbitrage
- NO Curve fitting according to backtest result
- Trade with Money Management Lot or Fixed Lot option to choose
- Can Trade with $70 initial deposit for 0.01 lot.
User Setting
- Recommended pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD.
- Attached on M1 timeframe (it will read higher timeframe automatically)
Parameter Explanation
- Verbose Mode : (0) Basic trade report on journal, (1) Detail report on journal, (2) Detail report and write to log file
- commission calc : for JPY pair fill it with 1000, for other pair fill it with 100000
- Money Management : true/false. If false you must set "fixedlots_MM_false". If true just fill risk trade you want
- AFS 1/1 follow/1 counter/2/3/4 : true/false ( select strategy to use). Note : AFS 2 and 3 is using counter trend trade. AFS 4 is follow the trend
- AreaLevel 1/2/3 : volatility threshold in pips ( very low volatility is below area level 1, low volatility is between area 1-2, etc..)
- AverageDailiyRangePeriod : period for counting average volatility.
- HighVolatility Buy/HighVolatility BuyC : coefficient for "Buy" side at High volatility condition. ( "C" meant for Counter trend strategy)
- MediumVolatility Buy/MediumVolatility BuyC : coefficient for "Buy" side at Medium volatility condition. ( "C" meant for Counter trend strategy)
- LowVolatility Buy/LowVolatility BuyC : coefficient for "Buy" side at Low volatility condition. ( "C" meant for Counter trend strategy)
- extremeLowVolatility Sell/LowVolatility SellC : coefficient for "Sell" side at very low volatility condition. ( "C" meant for Counter trend strategy)
- StopLevel Buy/Sell/Counter/HighVolaitility : Minimum distance from price to place pending order on each different volatility condition
- Order expire bar : pending order will deleted after x bar
- HV_SL/ MV_SL/XV_SL : Visible StopLoss for each volatility condition (example : HV_SL=3 meant during high volatility StopLoss is 3 pips, MV for medium Volatility, XV for Low and Extreme Low volatility
- BE : breakeven point
- BEpips : after BE point touch EA will lock x pips from open price
- HV/MV/XV Trailing start : Trailing stop works after profit x pips
- HV/MV/XV : trailing : trailing every x pips
- Exit after bars : Trading will force to close after x bars
- Use hidden SL : true/false ( set it to backup your visible stop loss, just in case if broker not fill your main SL)
- Use hidden Trailing Stop : true/false ( backup your visible trailing stop )
- Slippage Control : true/false ( Trade monitor to count slippages and trade cost )
Backtest and Analysis
- Backtested with 99% quality TICK data in the last 13 years
- Robust trade on multi major pairs
- Passed heavy test with extra commission $8/Round Turn/Lot
From Author
I am Fajar Alam trading forex in the last 10 years. After managing couple account with my previous strategy, I continue to develop another strategy for investor to use. This EA is available for sell in a limited time and limited user only for some good reason in future.
only buy EA that passed heavy test and above 9 years test with 99% quality tick data
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- MT4 MT5跟单EA 本地跟单远程跟单 绝不
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- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
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