Delta CCi MTF7
As the proper trading using CCI indicators requires the trader to monitor multiple timeframes and CCI indicators with different periods. For example - monitor the trend using CCI with the period of 100 or 200 (slow CCI period) on the H4 timeframe, and make entries based on the CCI with the period of 13 (fast CCI period) on the H1 timeframe. To facilitate this task, the Delta CCi MTF7 indicator was created, which implements monitoring the changes of the price movement trends as well as marks entries with arrows for each timeframe. For those who do no know how to trade using the CCI, see the attached video.
The indicator collects data on CCI from seven timeframes - М5, М15, М30, М60, H1, H4, D1, W1. It also allows to display the lines of three CCI indicators from three selected timeframes and the general trend of the currency in one window as a histogram. The trend as a histogram shows the sum of all positive and negative trends from all 7 timeframes, that is, if trend on the third timeframe is in the Buy, and on the fourth timeframe is in the Sell, the histogram will be slightly longer in Sell (Red bars) than in Buy (Blue bars). Accordingly, the greater the preponderance of one of the histograms - the greater the preponderance of the trend in that direction.
By default, the indicator is configured for classical trading (Trend filter = hard filter) – trading based on the trend of the H4 timeframe, with entries by smaller timeframes.
If necessary, the trend filter can be disabled (Trend filter= filter disabled). In that case, all entries of CCI indicators from all timeframes will be displayed.
There is also a filter by the dominant trend, summarized from all timeframes - (Trend filter= medium filter). If the dominant histogram is blue (buys) only the buy entries will be displayed, if the dominant histogram is red (sells) then only the sell entries will be displayed.
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