It is look good but suddenly it stops copy.
Trade Copier Pro
Trade Copier Pro是一个强大的工具,多账户之间进行远程复制的贸易超过互联网不同的位置。这是一个信号提供商的理想解决方案,谁想要与全球范围内对自己规则的人分享他的贸易。一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以得到贸易额从多供应商也是如此。
参考:如果你只需要在本地复制与更低的价格,你可以检查Auto Trade Copier在:
- 在一个工具提供商或接收器之间转换角色。
- 一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以从多个供应商收到交易。
- 供应/接收器可通过供电数据库管理系统,而无需额外的工具管理自己的接收器/供应商名单(添加,删除,编辑,启用/禁用)。
- 全球模式(copy过来互联网)和本地模式(在同一台PC/服务器内复制)之间切换。
- 贸易协议(复印件工种)和信号协议(发送/只接收信号,警报)之间切换。
- 默认情况下,SL/ TP的修改,不仅进入和退出,将被复制,所以它更安全的接收器中的情况下,连接丢失或终端已关闭。但供应商必须隐藏SL,TP和顺序修改(只是复制进入和退出)来隐藏策略,以接收正确的。
- 从打滑和过时订单保护接收器。
- 接收机的帐户仍然可以手动交易或使用其他中介公司没有任何冲突。
- 自动识别和同步代理之间的符号前缀/后缀。
- 允许多达5个特殊符号的设置(即:金 - > XAUUSD,等等)。
- 多很多大小设置选项的接收器。
- 允许过滤的订单类型将被复制为提供者和接收者。
- 允许倒复制为提供者和接收者。
- 自动发送手机通知和电子邮件来接收时,帐户有新的活动。
- 端子关断或电源关闭后恢复以前的设置和状态。
- 实时控制面板。
- 使用方便,界面友好。
- 安装Trade Copier Pro任何图表(但不超过)提供的MT4终端。
- 在第一时间,它可能需要一个URL添加到MT4的受信任的URL列表,以便让工具访问互联网的连接。
- 选择角色为“提供者”,然后去“接收清单”,并补充说,要复制贸易接收账号。在你的列表中启用只账号必须从您收到贸易/信号的权利。
- 返回到主控制面板,打开状态为启用。
- 使用相同的步骤安装该工具接收的MT4终端。
- Special symbols setting(菜单):配置多达5对特殊的符号同步。货币符号将被自动认可,但一些特殊的符号对是经纪人之间的不同,可能需要手动进行设置,如:GOLD - > XAUUSD, SILVER - > XAGUSD等,..
- Fontsize setting(菜单):更改界面的字体大小,如果是过小或过大的屏幕分辨率。
- Reset to default settings(菜单):将所有的设置恢复为生产设置。
- Choose your role:选择你的当前帐户的角色。它可以是供应商(复制源)或接收(复制目的地)。
- Provider/Receiver list:管理您接受接收/发送数据从/到供应/接收器。您可以添加,删除,编辑和自己的目的,启用/禁用帐户。只有在此列表中已启用帐户必须接收/发送数据从/到你的权利。
- Global/Local mode:全 局配置模式和本地模式之间进行选择。全球模式允许在通过互联网不同位置帐户之间进行复制。本地模式只允许在同一台PC/服务器上的帐户之间进行复制。在本 地模式下,交易将被复制几乎瞬间(<0.1秒)。在全局模式下,由于Internet连接速度,它可能是一个有点慢(最多3秒)。
- Transmission data:选 择数据如何被发送/接收。它可以是“贸易”(接收方的账户交易遵循供应商的)或“信号”(接收器的户口只接收信号,警报)。供应商的选择是优先级:如果供 应商选择“交易”,然后接收器可以接收交易或信号,由于他的选择;如果供应商选择“信号”,然后接收器只能任凭他选择的接收信号。
- Hiden mode(仅提供):供应商可以隐藏他的止损/止盈信息,以及从接收订单的修改,以保持他的战略秘密。只有进入和退出都将被复制和结果仍然是相同的,但这种模式可能是一个有点冒险的接收器,如果连接丢失,订单不受保护。
- Max. slippage(接收机):不适用所能接受的最大滑移复制交易。价格可能是经纪公司之间的不同,所以如果接收者的帐户的当前价格超过最大值。滑移距离相比提供商的帐户入门价格,交易将不被复制。这是有用的,以防止复制行业的不必要的延误,特别是在高波动(新闻发布)。
- Open trade timeout(接 收机):不适用的交易仍然可以从提供商复制到接收机的最大等待时间。如果该交易超时从供应商的贸易开放时间超出,贸易将不会被复制,这与即时/市场订单才 有效。这是有用的,以防止复制过时的行业,如果接收方的账户/终端是关闭了一段时间。例如:贸易超时时间为60秒意味着,如果接收器的断开而供应商打开一 个买/卖单,然后接收器的终端再次连接60秒内和秩序将被复制,但如果它是晚于60年代的顺序将被忽略。
- Set lotsize by:选择如何对接收机的帐户贸易额将被设置。有4个选项:
- Scaled by provider's balance:收件人lotsize将被缩小与他们的资产负债提供商的基础。这是推荐的选项,因为它使接收机的帐户具有相同的增长率提供商。例如:供应商交易0.5手1000$ - >接收器,具有2000$将交易1.0手。
- Multiply by provider's lotsize:收件人lotsize将乘以与供应商的lotsize的一个因素。只有当你知道提供的lotsize设置的方式使用此选项,否则你可能会超过lotsize遭受洗盘。
- Fixed lotsize:对接收的帐户中的所有交易将照常供应商的lotsize或接收器的均衡设置一个固定的lotsize。
- Custom risk percentage:输 入每个指定交易的风险百分比,如果出现止损。例如:用20pip一个止损交易被复制,接收器的lotsize将被设置,这样,如果发生止损接收器将失去平 衡的5%。这一制度只适用于贸易与预定义的止损;有没有止损的交易,“提供者的lotsize规模”的制度将被应用。
- Copy filter:选择哪些类型的订单将被复制。过滤器是为提供者和接收器,但供应商的选择是当务之急。有多种选择:
- All orders:所有订单将被发送/接收。
- Buy orders:采购订单将被发送/接收。
- Sell orders:销售订单将被发送/接收。
- Pending orders:挂单将被发送/接收。
- Custom pair:只有自定义的对贸易将被发送/接收(结合上面的顺序类型)。
- Inverted copy:当走到/从接收器/供应商过滤所有的交易将被倒置:买< - >销售,BuyLimit< - > SellStop,BuyStop< - > SellLimit,止损< - >赢利。

05.03.2018: The author is very responsive and that would be a 5 star review. But the server was down for several hours 14.02.2018 so copying was interrupted but it was fixed within several hours. I have been using TCP on two instances of MT4 to copy trades to one account, on one for copying forex pairs and on the other MT4 to copy indexes (DE30, US30) but where the base contract has differed by a factor of 100x between the provider and receiver so a conversion factor of 0.01 has been used instead of 1.0 for the forex pairs.
What I found out is that it is crucial to have a good CPU power on whatever you are running it. If your VPS is running at almost 100% you'll lose connection to the provider more often so in the options menu of MT4 do 3 things:
1.) uncheck 'enable news' under 'Server' 2.) Uncheck 'Enable' under Events 3.) and most important under Charts set 'max bars history' to 20000 and 'max bars in chart' to 5000
That will reduce quite some of the CPU power MT4 takes up. And always keep the MT4 window minimized in the task bar.
09.12.2017: This is a very good utility for copying across accounts locally or worldwide. The setup is fairly easy and copy speeds are very fast locally but on my side are sometimes delayed up to some seconds when going around the globe. It might have some issues with copying both locally and externally and when running several instances of TCP on one platform or even several platforms on the same VPS it seems to have trouble but I need to test this to find out.
What I would greatly appreciate is an option to select different scale factors for each pair. This is due to the fact that some brokers have 10 times higher contract sizes on eg. XAUUSD and GER30 which is also referred to as DE30. So to select that when a trade on broker A for 10 lot GER30 should be copied to broker B as 1 lot would be nice.
But overall a very nice copying utility. Definitely worth a buy!

Good overall functionality. It can copy trades on local machine and copy to remote accounts on different servers and VPS. The performance has been very good overall. There have been a couple of hours only where the remote signal was delayed, but this has been twice in about 5 months.
Local copy speeds are very fast. Remote copy speeds for me have been very fast, usually within about 250 milliseconds. An excellent tool!!

I've rented this software for 1 month and I have to say it's pretty good. Not perfect though. The main drawback for me was repeatedly lost clients list then I turned off the Trade Copier on the provider machine. Can't be sure for the exact timings, but then you turn off/on the provider for the few minutes or hours, it's fine, clients is all there, but if it's been off for the weekend, you'll have to create the clients list from scratch.
I'm also suggesting the author to think about improving the option 'Custom pair'. In it's current state it's convient then I want to copy only few instruments (pairs). But imagine, if I want to copy ALL the pairs, exept the few (e.g. metals).
The speed of copying seems a bit slow at first (compared to copiers working on one computer), but if you don't do scalping, it's OK. For me it was about 2-4 secons between my provider account and few recievers on VPS accross the Europe.

Seems like a very good programme hopefully it works in the long run, I would suggest downloading both copier and receiver from SAME site. Easy to use thanks again!
Kevin is very professional and is quick to answer any queries that I had.
He would be a great asset to any provider and also receiver.
My trade copier reached max capacity and I needed a solution to be able to add new clients, him and his team created a customized copier for myself to allow unlimited clients to be added and the job was completed quickly preventing problems happening and the loss of clients and also for a reasonable price.
Superb thanks guys!!

我购买的Trade Copier Pro软件不能在英文版本的VPS上运行,如何解决?
I purchased the Trade Copier Pro software can not run on the English version of the VPS, how to solve?

Very cool EA. Simple to use interface and works well. One thing that I wasn't clear on but was clarified quickly is that your receivers download the free accompanying app Trade Receiver Free at

Wonderful EA. Very simple and easy to use!
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Es práctica si necesitas replicar a pocas cuentas... Si necesitas replicar masivamente a una cartera de clientes este EA no soporta esa operativa ya que debes instalar un MT4 por cada cuenta receptora...