Price Action Patterns
This is a Price Action Patterns EA. It can identify different variants of Price Action patterns ( about 8 Variants of Price Action Patterns ) and place trades on the kind of pattern identified and it also Draws and Labels the Patterns on Chart.
The EA incorporates the possibility of automatically calculating the stop loss and take profit based on the type of pattern identified. In calculating the Stop loss, the user also has the possibility of using Bollinger Bands line drawn at the beginning of the Pattern formation as SL point. If the Auto calculation parameters are set to false, then the EA takes the manually set Fixed Stop Loss and Fixed take Profit values.
It also has Trailing Stop Loss functionality.
The Customer can also Toggle ON/OFF any of the Patterns as they wish for full flexibility.
There is also a possibility to TOGGLE ON/OFF a Martingale Function Inbuilt
All timeframes and Currencies are supported, but please note that it is recommended that you perform Optimization for best parameter settings.
The Price Action Patterns Included are
- Double Top, Double Bottom,
- Diving Board,
- Diamond Top & Bottoms,
- Dead Cat Bounce,
- Rectangle Top&Bottom,
- Pivot Point Reversal,
- Triple Top and Triple Bottom,
- Channel Swings and Breakout Trading
Input parameters
- EA_Name: This Name of EA will be Printed in the Comments of Each Trade
- Choose EA Mode: Chose weather the EA should Open Real Trades (Trading Mode) or Just send alerts (alert Mode)
"<=============>Settings for Price Action Patterns<===============>";
- TradeDoubleTopBottom: Toggle to Use Double Top& Bottom Pattern true/False;
- TradeDivingBoard: Toggle to Use Diving Board Pattern true/False;
- TradeDeadCatBounce: Toggle to Use Dead Cat Bounce Pattern true/False;
- TradeRectangle: Toggle to Use Rectangle Pattern true/False;
- TradePivotPointReversal: Toggle to Use Pivot point Reversal Pattern true/False;
- TradeTrippleTopBottom: Toggle to Use Tripple Top&Bottom Pattern true/False;
- TradeChannels: Toggle to Use Channels Swing and/or Breakout Pattern true/False;
- TradeChannelBreakout: If true, EA Opens trades on breakout of Channels
- TradeChannelSwings: If true, EA Opens trades on Up and Down Swings within the Channels
- BreakEvenOnChannelWidth: If true, EA Breaks Even trades at Full width of Channels
- ChannelsLineColor: Clolor of Channels lines
- fractal_fast_factor: Factor for Fractals Fast Signal
- fractal_slow_factor: Factor for Fractals Slow Signal
"<=====================>TP,SL and Exit Settings<========================>";
- Choose Whether to Use Lot Multiplier to Recoup Losses or not 3 Options:
- 1. Use Lot Multiplier only When Acct Balance is Below Initial Value
- 2. Use Lot Multiplier When A Trade Ends in Loss
- 3. Don't Use Lot Multiplier
- AutoCalcMultiplier: if true, EA will Automatically Calculate Multiplier for Recouping Losses
- UseFixedMultiplier: This specifies the Multiples of Fixed Lot To Add (If AutoCalcMultiplier=False)
- Magic Number: Trade Magic Number, if this value=0, the EA will Automatically Calculate a Magic Number
- UseHiddenTPnSL: Hide the Set Stop Loss and Take Profit from displaying on the Chart for Broker’s View
- FixedLots: Minimum Trading Lots Size when Auto recoup Lot Multiplier is not used
- AutoCalcTP: enable/disable automatic take profit calculation, true/false
- AutoCalcSL: enable/disable automatic stop loss calculation, true/false
- UseB_Bands4AutoCalcSL: enable/disable using Bollinger Bands for automatic stop loss calculation, true/false
- B_BandsPeriod: Bollinger Bands period to use for SL
- B_BandsDeviation: Bollinger Bands deviation to use for SL
- StopLoss: Use Fixed Stop Loss Pips
- TrailSL_Pips: Pips of Stop to trail after BreakEven
- UseBreakEven: Toggle to either Use BreakEven or Not
- BreakEvenAdd: Pips to add Above/below Open Price at Break Even
- RiskReward: Use Risk reward of this figure to set Take Profit
- TakeProfit:Use Fixed Profit in Pips
- ChooseExitModeAtFixedTP: Choose Exit Mode When Fixed Take Profit is Hit:
- 1. Close Partial,Breakeven & Start Trailing
- 2. Close Full Lot
- PercentOfLot4PartialClose: Percentage of Lot to Close at Take Profit, This is used Close Partial is selected above
- Slippage: Allowed Trade Slippage Pips
- MaxSpread: Maximum allowed Spread
- BackLimit: Number of Previous bars to consider to draw Supply and Demand Zones
- zone_solid: If True, EA uses Solid Rectangular Blocks to show Supply and Demand Zones
- zone_linewidth: Line Width for Supply and Demand Zones
- zone_show_info: Show Label for each Supply and Demand Zones
- color_label: Supply and Demand Zones Label color
- font_label: Supply and Demand Zones Label Font
- size_label: Supply and Demand Zones Font Label size
- color_support_possible: Color of the Supply and Demand Zones
- ShowComments: Show Chart Information
- UseEmailalert: Send Email Notification
- UseMobilealert: Send Mobile Notification
- MT4 MT5跟单EA 本地跟单远程跟单 绝不
- ¥1100.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- AlgoTradeSoft
- ¥3988.00
- 国际期货套利软件
- ¥3988.00
- MT4 MT5跟单EA 本地跟单远程跟单 绝不
- ¥1100.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00