FairyFibo can generate as many as 65 different BUY signals and 65 different SELL signals solely based on Price Action and Fibonacci levels. The idea is to catch as many as Swing High's and Swing Low's but with the consideration of the current trend mind. It does not uses any other indicators while making decisions for signals. Most of the strategies are already optimized for different time frames and different market conditions. While in practical you will not need that many strategies to develop a profitable system. The idea for presenting all the possibilities here is for the reason that each market behaves differently and they have their own characteristics. In any case if you found any strategy that is not performing well for a given market then you can always deselect those strategies. The number of bars require to generate quality signals are between 45 to 100 candles. Although these are just recommendations but you are highly encouraged to try it on any number of bars/candles on any time frames. If you have a better understanding of the market you are trading then this experience will come in handy to help you decide to select number of candles to make visible on the chart. Before testing it in strategy tester make sure that you have atleast 90% quality data and no mismatched chart errors. Before going to trade live you should spend 4-5 weeks of time to get used to with the signals that you have selected for a specific market. If you are an experience Price Action and Fibonacci trader then this is going to be your dream tool.
Product Home Page: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35339
VPS Recommendation: https://www.mql5.com/en/vps
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