CCI plus
CCIplus is a modification of the commodity channel index with smoothing, pivot point indication and analysis mode selection.
The CCIplus has the following settings:
- Smoothing
- Market entry and exit point indication
- Point determination selection mode
- Usability settings
Indicator operation
It is optimal to use M5-M30.
Testing and refining signals from M1-M5.
A corresponding message is displayed when entering incorrect data. The settings are corrected automatically.
- CCIperiod - standard CCI calculation period setting.
- P_mode - selection of pivot point determination mode.
- NONE - normal CCI mode with no additional settings considered.
- SIMPLE - indication of points when the CCI exceeds the oversold/overbought levels.
- CROSS - indication of points when the CCI crosses the moving in the oversold/overbought zone.
- FAST_LVL - indication of points when the CCI exceeds the oversold/overbought zones, with the moving in the zone and directed towards the intersection.
- SLOW_LVL - indication of points when the moving crosses the oversold/overbought levels.
- PIVOT_CCI - indication of points during a CCI pivot, with the moving in the oversold/overbought zone.
- PIVOT_SMA - indication of points during a moving pivot in the oversold/overbought zone.
- SMAperiod - smoothing period of the normal CCI. At values less than 2 a message is displayed, and the value is set to 2.
- Showalert - enable/disable sound and visual notification when a point appears.
- HideCCI - enable/disable display of the normal CCI line. At the value true - in the NONE and SIMPLE modes the indicator line is invisible, a notification is displayed.
Integration in the code
Indices of lines and arrows:
0 - CCI (CCI)
1 - moving CCI (CCI+SMA)
2 - red down arrow (SELL), value = 117
3 - green up arrow (BUY), value = -117
It is not recommended to use a call with the line index 0 in the code. This is equivalent to the iCCI function call.
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- MT4 MT5跟单EA 本地跟单远程跟单 绝不
- ¥1100.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
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- ¥3988.00