NightSystem EA
Let me introduce a new scalper which works at night when price fluctuation is not sizable.
- The EA needs a broker with low night spreads to work properly.
- Minimum deposit is 100$.
- Recommended time frame is 15М.
- To make the EA setting more flexible we placed a part of parameters in settings. Other parameters are calculated automatically.
- We recommend to run the EA on volatile pairs without sharp rises.
1. General parameters
- сomment – comment to order opening.
- expiration – slippage in points.
- MagicNumber – unique order number (required to distinguish orders opened by this EA from other orders)
2. Trading parameters
- MM - enable/disable automatic lot management (money manager).
- MaximumRisk – risk to manage the lot.
- MaxSpread – value of maximum spread in points with which the EA will open a trade.
- StartHour – start hour to trade.
- StopHour - stop hour to trade.
- Lots – lot for trading when MM is disabled.
- TP – Take Profit value in points.
- SL – Stop Loss value in points
3. Parameters of signals to open/close positions
- рeriod – period used to calculate the channel.
- сorridorpips – minimum channel width in points to perform a trade.
- PipsTraid – height of the price overrunning the channel to open a position.
- PipsClose – height of the price overrunning the channel to close a position.
4. Trailing Stop parameters
- Trailingstop – enable/disable Trailing Stop.
- start – distance in points from the open price for Trailing Stop.
- shag – Trailing Stop step.
- MT4 MT5跟单EA 本地跟单远程跟单 绝不
- ¥1100.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- AlgoTradeSoft
- ¥3988.00
- 国际期货套利软件
- ¥3988.00
- MT4 MT5跟单EA 本地跟单远程跟单 绝不
- ¥1100.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00
- 在MetaTrader市场购买MetaTrader 5的
- ¥3988.00