
看工薪族如何修炼成百万富翁 真的不是梦顺水鱼财经

核心摘要:<img alt="洋视角:工薪族如何修炼成百万富翁 真的不是梦" src="http://i3.hexunimg.cn/2015-09-14/179066388.jpg"> 14年,《时代》杂志发表了一篇有关百万富翁人数统计的一篇文章。该文指出,根据最新市场研究报告,截止到13年,净资产超过100万的美国家庭数高达963万,比2008年上升了约58%。毋庸置疑,美国的百万富翁真是不少。但是,如果一个百万富翁站在
外汇期货股票比特币交易洋视角:工薪族如何修炼成百万富翁 真的不是梦

14年,《时代》杂志发表了一篇有关' 美国百万富翁人数统计的一篇文章。该文指出,根据最新市场研究报告,截止到13年,净资产超过100万的美国家庭数高达963万,比2008年上升了约58%。毋庸置疑,美国的百万富翁真是不少。但是,如果一个百万富翁站在你的身边,你能察觉出来吗?



不同于' 大众猜想,百万富翁们并不是借助' 信托基金或者' 互联网泡沫一夜暴富。通常情况下,他们在一家公司就职多年,有些甚至长达30-40年之久。在一家公司就职多年会收益颇丰,诸如理想的薪资待遇、可观的养老金福利以及401(k)计划等。虽然对有些人而言,简直无法想象在一家公司就职长达20多年是怎样的一种感受,但现实中确实有一部分人真的做到了,这其中就包括很多的教师以及政府部门的工作人员等。






通常情况下,百万富翁的股票 投资长达几十年之久(而非短短数年)。他们采取股息再投资方式,因而能在经济市场的长期发展中获益。长期投资使他们区别于一般的“储蓄者”,储蓄者们的投资领域则局限于贷款违约' 保险或货币市场






据相关报告显示,百万富翁们对花销所持态度比较保守,而且不会频繁购买诸如貂皮大衣和珠宝之类的奢侈品。此外,有钱人也很少会购买' 宝马、' 奔驰、名表、高级套装等高消费奢侈品。调查数据显示,有近40%的有钱人购买的是二手车。









10 Secrets Of Millionaires That Might Surprise You

Last year, Time Magazine released anarticleabout the number of millionaires in the U.S. The article reported that according to new market research, a record 9.63 million households had a net worth of $1 million or more in 2013, a 58 percent increase from 2008. The number of affluent households worth between $100,000 and $1 million also went up in 2013. That’s a lot of millionaires! But would you really know if a millionaire was standing next to you?

While your mind may conjure up the jet-setting group that are the subjects of many over the top reality shows, the truth is that there a lot of people out there with a net worth of over seven figures and you might not even know it.

I see these people every day of the week. They drive Toyotas, Hondas, Kia’s -- and the occasional Jeep Cherokee. They have saved for a long time and finally find themselves in a position to quit their job and live life on their own terms. Here are ten secrets that these “rich” people have in common:

Job Stability.

Contrary to popular belief, there are many millionaires out there that weren’t handed a trust fund, nor did they make a million dollars overnight during the internet boom. They are people who stayed with one employer for a very long time -- sometimes 30 or 40 years. Staying with the same company for many years can offer big rewards, including a very nice ending salary, significant pension benefits and hefty 401K balances. While it’s seems foreign to think about working for the same employer for two decades or longer these days, there are still a number of people who do it, including teachers and other government workers.

Steady Savers.

The majority of rich retirees began making the maximum contribution to their 401(k)s in their 20s or 30s. Remember, every dollar you put into your 401(k) is pre-taxed, which is a huge benefit. Additionally, many companies offer matching contributions, which is free money to you. Be sure to check with your human resources department to find how much you need to contribute to receive the match. In 2015, contributions limits have increased by $500, and you can save $18,000 in your 401(k), 403(b), 457, or the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan. The catch-up contribution limit for anyone who turns 50 in 2015 will also increase, from $5,500 to $6,000 (for a maximum contribution of $24,000).

Save the Raise.

One of the great moments in all of our careers is the day we’re told we're getting a raise. While it would be so easy to go out and spend that extra money on a new boat or vacation, one trick I’ve seen these savers use is saving at least half of pay raises. Those dollars can end up in retirement or brokerage accounts, compounding, to give you more money later.


Millionaires who own stocks tend to hold their investments for decades (not just years). They let their dividends re-invest over time and thus participate in the long-term growth of our economy. This makes them different from “savers,” who only invest in CDs or money markets.

Not Afraid To Ask For Advice.

Most millionaires aren’t do-it-yourself (DIY) investors. They know what their strengths are, and if their strengths don't lie in investing andfinancial planning, they leave it up to the experts.

Pay Off The Mortgage.

One key “rich” person move, and a characteristic of thehappiest retirees, is to get rid of the mortgage by age 65. This may mean making two or three extra payments per year or paying a little extra on each monthly mortgage payment. This Bankrate.commortgage payoff calculatorcan show you how extra payments can move you closer to a mortgage-free life, as well as how much interest you can save by increasing your mortgage payment.

Don’t Indulge InFancy Toys.

According to theSpectrem Group,which has tracked and polled the nation’s richest households for years, “millionaires tend to be conservative with their spending and aren’t out there buying mink coats and jewelry every day.” Very few millionaires own BMWs, Mercedes, $3,000 watches, or $5,000 suits. Nearly 40% of the “rich” buy their cars used.

Good Credit.

The better your FICO score, the lower the interest rates you will pay on your mortgage and car loans. The “rich” do this by carrying low debt loads.

Goal Setting.

Rich people don’t just stumble upon success. They plan out and prioritize their goals and determine how to execute them. Millionaires have a clear vision of what they want, and take the steps necessary to get there.

Real Estate.

Most “rich” people buy homes that are not overly priced or extravagant in rentable areas. They maintain them appropriately, or rent them out consistently. They pay down their mortgages and ended up with cash-flowing assets that helps to build their net worth slowly over 30 years.

The secrets to becoming a millionaire are not as mysterious as you might think. Small tweaks, goal setting and long-term financial planning can move you closer to that seven-figure number.(原文出处:financialplan 网站)





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