
洋视角:而立之年如不这样理财 退休便没了保障顺水鱼财经

核心摘要:<img border=1 alt=对于很多进入而立之年的人而言,生活多了一些迷惑少了一些安全感。此外,生活中多少会出现一些重大变化,诸如身边的朋友有的成了家,有的为了立业而选择离开等。 src="http://i0.hexunimg.cn/2015-08-19/178437313.jpg" align=middle> 对于很多进入而立之年的人而言,生活多了一些迷惑少了一些安全感。此外,生活中多少会出现一些重大变化,诸如身边的朋友有的成了家,有的为了立




第一、不储蓄=浪费时间 对于很多进入而立之年的人而言,生活多了一些迷惑少了一些安全感。此外,生活中多少会出现一些重大变化,诸如身边的朋友有的成了家,有的为了立业而选择离开等。

截止到目前为止,理财界最强大的理财方法是“积少成多”。今天你存下1美元,十年后就会得到2美元,2美元会相继变成4美元,8美元……。如果步入而立之年,你拥有的还只是收入相对较低的401k计划(' 美国的一种退休计划),那么是时候认真考虑一下其他收益高的理财方法了。


很多夫妻没有意识到,作为一个独立的家庭单位,其需要缴纳“婚姻税”。尽管在' 法律调控下,近几年的“婚姻税”有所削减,但最简单的减负方式则为,夫妻二人将钱存入缓征税收的退休储蓄账户,像个人退休储蓄账户或401(k)计划都是不错的选择。


你若离世,谁的经济受损严重,这可真是个大问题。如果你是单身汉,那你大可不必购买人身' 保险。如果你是家里的顶梁柱,有爱人有子女,那你如何才能保证离世之后,他们的生活能够一如既往的舒适安逸?建议考虑一下购买定期人身保险,这会有效减少你的后顾之忧!

第四、想离职? 先搞定退休储蓄账户 为了寻求更高的发展平台,提升自己的未来身价,而立之年的群体中会出现较高的离职率。但是,频繁跳槽会造成你的401(k)计划一团糟。针对这种情况,建议最好将此前就职公司401(k)计划中的储蓄转入个人退休储蓄<a账户或当前工作的401(k)计划之中。 src="http://i0.hexunimg.cn/2015-08-19/178437315.jpg" align=middle>



退休看起来似乎遥遥无期,但事实并非如此。随着年龄的增长,你的收入也会逐渐提升,所以关键是制定一个强大的退休计划,这样一来你的储蓄额便会慢慢增加。切记,在未制定更明智的储蓄计划之前,万不可增加“生活方式”成本,也不要盘算如何过的更舒坦一些。 十年之后,你可以看一下自己的储蓄额,会惊奇地发现其后面多了几个“0”。储蓄计划顺利实现,你可谓是退休无忧啦!



Financial Planning In Your 30s

For many people in their 30s, the decade can feel “lost” and unnerving in a variety of ways. Friends get married, people move away for better opportunities. It"s a time of great change.

It"s also the time when employers are tough and very selective. You end up putting in a lot of late-night hours, trying to learn more and prove yourself on the job. There seems to be no financial problem that can"t be fixed by taking on more hours, working weekends or a part-time second job.

Stop right there: Working more is not the answer. In fact, once you start a family that"s off the table completely, if you value your relationship.

Here are somefinancial planningtargets to consider in your 30s:

1. If you"re not saving, you"re losing time

Compoundingis the greatest force in the financial universe by far. A dollar you save today is $2 in 10 years, then that $2 becomes $4 and then it turns into $8. If you have managed to get to your 30s with a relatively paltry 401(k) balance, it"s time to step things up.

2. Two salaries = more taxes

Couples often fail to realize that they will be taxed as a single entity. While the so-called “marriage penalty” has been diminished by legislation in recent years, the really easy way to reduce your liability is for both earners to save more into tax-deferred accounts, such as anIRA or 401(k).

3. Who suffers financially if you die?

This is a biggie. If you live alone, chances are you don"t need life insurance. But if you are the breadwinner, have kids or both, could your surviving spouse continue comfortably in your absence? Buying term life insurance can bring you peace of mind.

4. Leaving a job? Roll over your retirement

People often job-hop in their 30s, looking for the right spot to grow and increase their value to a future employer. But that can result in a patchwork of401(k) plansat several past employers. Better to roll them over into an IRA or into your next job"s 401(k), tax-free.

5. Plan for what"s next

Retirement might seem a long way off, but it really isn"t. You are likely to earn more with each passing year, so the key to building up a powerfulretirement planis to slowly increase your total savings as well. Avoid increasing your “lifestyle” charge and instead look for ways to live better while saving smarter.

A decade down the line, you"ll be amazed at how many zeroes there are in your retirement account. And that offers you unmatched peace of mind.(原文出处:forbes 网站)






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