
人到四十不学会理财 五十徒伤悲顺水鱼财经

核心摘要:<img border=1 alt=四十不惑,青年期已渐行渐远,但你仍然拥有一颗年轻跃动的心。现阶段的你,上有老下有小。突然之间,理财计划变得更为真实、更为紧迫。之所以这样说,其原因在于你面临的长期压力愈发明显:随着时间的流逝,你会逐渐变老,退休之日也会慢慢到来。 src="http://i8.hexunimg.cn/2015-08-19/178452431.jpg" align=middle> 四十不惑,青年期已渐行渐远,但你仍然拥有一颗年轻跃动的心


人到中年,很多人才第一次真正重视理财。他们会购买人身" 保险,并减少恼人的债务。想安稳度过不惑之年,以下理财计划你做到几个?

第一、购买优质保险 十之八九,你已购买了合适的险种,但你确信已购险种足够全面吗?如果家里有小宝贝,外加一位全职的家庭主妇(煮夫),建议考虑一下购买定期人身保险。对于处于不惑之年的你而言,购买定期人身保险会在一定程度上保障你的家人生活无忧,哪怕某天你遭遇意外不幸离世。



较之现在,前几年的你年轻一些,收入也少一些。因此,对当时的你而言,个人消费债务(仅指汽车贷款和" 信用卡债务,不包括如购买房屋等的分期付款)是非常实用的工具。然而,随着年龄的增长,信用卡的使用会助长你提前消费的坏习惯,从而降低你的储蓄能力。针对这种情况,建议你将信用卡的数量缩减为一张,并且只在必要的情况下使用信用卡。

第三、充分利用减税政策 如果你和绝大多数美国人一样,可通过401(k)计划使自己的储蓄额达到一定水平。但是,你还可通过提高储蓄水平来降低税收,该方法对家庭尤为适用。现在是时候把能省的钱省下并存入<a银行,以备将来退休之需了。 src="http://i9.hexunimg.cn/2015-08-19/178452433.png" align=middle>




第五、理智对待退休 激进的<a投资者会将市场视为一场有时限的运动会,并以短期投资为重。另外,这部分投资者持有一些不切实际的幻想,最终会以激进投资告终。相比之下,退休金经纪人则对未来的必须开支项有所了解,并会瞄准与这些开支项相匹配的投资。毫无疑问,这种理智投资的结果更具可预测性、成功率也会更高。 src="http://i1.hexunimg.cn/2015-08-19/178452434.jpg" align=middle>



Financial Planning In Your 40s

Arriving at your 40s can bring you sudden perspective on life. Your youth is definitively behind you, yet you still feel young.

Your world is book-ended by clearly older folks, you parents’ generation, and growing children around you.Financial planningis suddenly more real, more urgent, as the long-term responsibilities you face become obvious: You will get older and you will stop working.Retirementbeckons.

It’s at about this age, the ramp upward toward true middle-age, that many people take financial planning seriously for the first time. They buy life insurance and seek to eliminate nettlesome debts.

Here are some of the key moves to make as you head into your fourth decade:

1. Transfer risks with better insurance

Chances are, you carry the right kinds of insurance, but do you carry enough? If you have small children at home and a non-working spouse, term life insurance should be a consideration.

It’s still cheap in your 40s and reduces the risk of leaving your family to struggle in your absence. Review your homeowner and auto policies, and consider adding umbrella insurance.

2. Minimize revolving debt

When you are younger and earning less, consumer debt is a useful tool at times. As you get older, however, credit cards tend to allow you to extend those bad habits and cut into your ability tosave more money.

Get your credit cards under control by canceling all but one, and don’t carry that one unless you are traveling or otherwise expect to need it.

3. Maximize tax breaks

If you are like many Americans, you save enough in your workplace 401(k) plan to get the corporate match and maybe a little more.

But you could be saving quite a bit in taxes by raising your savings level, especially if you are in a two-earner household. Now is the time to maximize these benefits and bank thetax savingsfor your retirement.

4. Invest for a long life

You will live longer than you expect, without a doubt. Most financial planners tell their clients to assume a maximum number quite a bit higher than 90.

Outliving your moneyis a real problem, one you can solve by judiciously investing in a balanced retirement portfolio and byrebalancing that portfolioalong the way.

5.Think like a pension manager, not a trader

Active investors treat the markets like a timed athletic event, where the short term is all that matters. They measure their performance against pie-in-the-sky assumptions and trade furiously as a result.

A pension manager, in contrast, understands the future costs he or she must cover and targets returns that match up to those liabilities. The result is acalmer, more predictable investing stylethat more often meets its goals.






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