
辞职做全职奶爸奶妈有风险 “入行”须谨慎顺水鱼财经

核心摘要:<img border=1 alt="洋视角:全职奶爸奶妈有风险 “入行”请谨慎" src="http://i6.hexunimg.cn/2015-08-27/178646298.jpg" align=middle> 对于任何家庭而言,夫妻一方辞职在家带孩子都是件大事。诚然,任何人都不能替夫妻做这样一个决定。但是,以下五条建议可供其参考: 第一、夫妻收入能否满足开支需要?
外汇期货股票比特币交易洋视角:全职奶爸奶妈有<a href=风险 “入行”请谨慎" src="http://i6.hexunimg.cn/2015-08-27/178646298.jpg" align=middle>




第二、如不工作,储蓄会低于预期 当然,夫妻一人在家带孩子可省去一笔不小的开销,诸如雇用保姆、外出就餐、衣物干洗、交通费用等等。但是,在家看孩子的开支项也不少,虽然并未具体到做晚饭这类事。且不说给孩子买玩具得花钱,如果没有亲朋好友帮忙照看孩子,你还时不时地需要雇保姆看孩子,以便于你能抽身去看医生或牙医等。理论上来说,大家容易产生这样一种想法,即全职奶爸/奶妈的家庭有利于储蓄。但是,很多事只有你试了才知道和预想之间的差别。


第三、全职奶爸/奶妈重返职场受多大影响? 如果你计划等孩子上学后重返职场,那么你会发现很难找到类似离职前的工作。事实上,你不仅再不可能找回缺席职场的那几年时光,而且还会发现发展前景受到诸多限制。对于全职奶爸/奶妈而言,亲自陪伴孩子成长的“得”和职场的“失”之间远未达到一种平衡。



第四、家庭是否拥有一' target='_blank' >张经济安全网?



第五、夫妻是否处于同一频道 夫妻之间的交流很是重要,因为双方均容易感受到忽视、误解和想当然等不良情绪。全职奶爸/奶妈通常会产生这样一种想法,即鉴于自己“赋闲在家”,所以家庭地位较低。与此同时,作为家庭唯一收入来源的“顶梁柱”会压力过大,而且觉得个人付出未受到重视。


交流固然重要,但倾听也必不可少。交流过程中,应让对方感受到你的倾听。做出成为全职奶爸/奶妈的决定前,应将' target='_blank' >方方面面的问题考虑周全。当然,还可根据实际情况对原计划予以定期调整。



Five Things to Consider Before Becoming a Stay at Home Parent

Deciding to have one parent stay at home with the children is a huge decision that’s complicated by the emotions involved. Nobody can make this decision for you, but here are five things to consider before you make the decision.

1. Will the working spouse’s salary be enough to cover the bills?

Seems like an obvious question, but it’s easy to forget about all of those little expenses and not be overly optimistic about prices remaining the same, continued availability of overtime or side work and so on. It could be a good idea to track your spending for a month or two so that you know every penny you spend, not just the numbers on your bills.

If your little one has not been born yet, be sure to account for his or her expenses. Allow yourself a very ample cushion, because…

2. You might not be able to save as much as you’d think by not working.

Of course, not paying for day care is a huge savings and you can save a bundle on lunches out, clothing and dry cleaning and commuting costs.

However, there are plenty of ways for stay at home parents (SAHPs) to spend money! It might not be as practical as you think to cook from scratch every night. That garden might turn out to have been a pipe dream. You’ll want to provide your child withenrichment activitiesthat could cost money. If there aren’t friends and family members to provide occasional child care, you’ll still need to hire sitters for doctor and dentist visits and so on.

It’s easy enough to think of all the ways stay at home parents can save money in theory, but you never know what the reality is going to be until you live it – and even then it’s apt to change every few months as your children grow and change.

3. How much is this going to affect your long term career prospects and how much do you care?

if you’re planning on going back to work after the kids are in school, you might find that it’s difficult to get a job comparable to the one you left. It might never be possible to regain the years you lost in your career and you might find that your advancement prospects are limited. There can be a veryreal financial price to being a stay at home parentthat goes beyond just the years you raised your children.

How much will it matter? That depends on your career field, how many years you are absent from the work force and the state of the economy when you decide to go back. Do be honest and ask yourself how much this will matter to you on a personal level as well as take a hard look at how it will affect your long term financial goals.

4. Do you have an adequate safety net?

If the breadwinner is laid off, hurt or becomes ill do you have the reserves to weather several months of very little income coming in? Do you have an emergency fund to handle things like the fridge dying or the basement flooding?

Will you be able to save money for inevitable expenses like home and car maintenance, taxes and medical bills? It’s not enough to know that you have the cash to make it through each month, you have to know that you’ll have enough for several weeks or months of rainy days, too. Consider the possibility of thestay at home parent working part timeor working freelance to contribute to a safety net.

5. Am I on the same page as my partner?

Communication is crucial, it’s very easy for one or both of the spouses to feel ignored, unappreciated and taken for granted. It could be that the stay at home spouse feels like they don’t have equal power in the relationship because they aren’t bringing in money. Or the working spouse might feel pressured by being the sole source of income and feel that their hard work isn’t respected.

Talking to your spouse is important but don’t forget to listen and make sure they know that you have heard their point of view. You’ll want to hash things out before the decision is made to stay home and then periodically to make adjustments as your situation changes.

If your relationship is already in trouble, be cautious about making the decision to stay home. It could have a positive affect as the stress of two working parents can be fierce, but it could just as easily increase resentment and leave the spouse who is at home in a very bad financial bind.

Having one parent stay at home with the children can be a wonderful choice for a family but it’s not the only way to raise wonderful, healthy, happy children. If this is the right choice for your family, do go into it with open eyes and ample preparation.

How did you make the decision to stay at home or continue working?(原文出处:moneying 网站)






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