原标题:挪威油气投资明年有望增长至212亿美元 来源:中国石油化工集团公司版权所有
中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社奥斯陆报道,挪威石油和天然气协会(NOG)表示,挪威石油和天然气投资明年有望增长3.8% ,达到1946亿挪威克朗(合212亿美元) ,随后几年将会有所下降。
挪威是西欧最大的油气生产国,由于10月启动了北海Johan Sverdrup油田,预计该国2020年的全年产量将有所增长。
NOG补充称, 预计2021年的投资额将降至1707亿克朗,2022年将降至1633亿克朗,而此前的预期分别为2021年1680亿克朗和2022年1565亿克朗。
NOG表示,上调预期主要是因为调查中包括了更多项目,如埃尼集团子公司Vaar Energi的Balder X项目。
詹晓晶 摘自 路透社
Norway oil investments to rise further in 2020 -industry association
Oil and gas investments in Norway are expected to rise by 3.8% next year to 194.6 billion Norwegian crowns ($21.2 billion) before declining in subsequent years, an industry lobby group said on Thursday.
The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOG) previously predicted 2020 investments would amount to 182.5 billion crowns. The increase was driven by rising costs on some projects but there was no sign of inflation spiraling, it said.
Norway, Western Europe’s largest oil and gas producer, is expected to boost its full-year output in 2020 thanks to last October’s start-up of the Johan Sverdrup field in the North Sea.
The investment forecasts were based on a survey of 13 companies that operate oil and gas fields in Norway.
Investments are forecast to drop to 170.7 billion crowns in 2021 and 163.3 billion in 2022, compared with a previous view of 168 billion and 156.5 billion crowns respectively, the NOG added.
The higher forecasts were driven by an expectation of rising activity as companies bring forward more projects and invest in technology to boost extraction rates, it said.
A separate survey by Statistics Norway (SSB) in November suggested that oil and gas investments in 2020 will hit a five-year high of 182.6 billion crowns.
The NOG’s higher forecast was primarily because of the inclusion of more projects in the survey, such as Eni unit Vaar Energi’s Balder X project, the lobby group said.