原标题:美国:二叠纪盆地石油产量下降是暂时的 来源:中国石油化工集团公司版权所有
中国石化新闻网讯 据12月18日Rigzone报道,美国新任能源部长丹·布卢伊莱特(Dan Brouillette)表示,美国页岩油气开发的黄金时代还远未结束,预计二叠纪盆地开发速度的放缓是暂时的。
王佳晶 摘译自 Rigzone
US Energy Sec Shrugs Off Permian Oil Slowdown
The golden age of U.S. shale is far from over, with an expected slowdown in the Permian Basin likely to be temporary, according to the new U.S. Energy Secretary.
The shale boom helped transform the U.S. into a net exporter of crude and petroleum products in September from a major importer a decade ago. Even as growth is set to slow next year in the Permian and elsewhere as drillers respond to investor demands for capital restraint, Dan Brouillette said the shale boom has further to run.
Brouillette said improvements in drilling technology meant companies are better equipped to respond to price fluctuations than in the past. And prices are less volatile than they used to be, given the new status of the U.S. as a major producer.