

核心摘要:原标题:美国墨西哥湾沿岸油轮运费创新高    中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价12月20日报道,根据路透社援引船舶经纪商的话称,美国墨西哥湾沿岸Aframax原油油轮的运费率在截止12月20日当周创下新纪录,由于在仅两周后即将生效的国际海事组织(IMO)2020年新规则出台之前,运往欧洲和地中海的美国原油需求增加。    上周,一艘Aframax油轮的世界范围内租金为每天46,800美元。但是Equinor和Unipec本周以每天60,700美元的价格租用了Aframax油轮,仅短短一周时间就增加了近30%。


    中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价12月20日报道,根据路透社援引船舶经纪商的话称,美国墨西哥湾沿岸Aframax原油油轮的运费率在截止12月20日当周创下新纪录,由于在仅两周后即将生效的国际海事组织(IMO)2020年新规则出台之前,运往欧洲和地中海的美国原油需求增加。


    在过去的几周中,欧洲对轻质低硫原油的需求增加了,因为新的海事法规(即IMO 2020)将限制海事船舶燃烧的燃料中所允许的硫含量。需求的激增限制了可用的Aframax油轮的数量,因此增加了运输符合IMO 2020的油的成本。据接受路透社采访的分析师和船舶经纪人称,这种需求可能会使美国的石油日出口量增加到400万桶,这对美国来说将是一个新的高点。




    郝芬 译自 今日油价


    Oil Freight Rates From US Gulf Coast Hit New Record As Demand Booms

    Oil freight rates from the US Gulf Coast for Aframax crude tankers hit a new record this week, according to shipbrokers cited by Reuters, as demand increases for US crude oil bound for Europe and the Mediterranean in front of the new IMO 2020 rules that will go into effect in just a couple of weeks.

    Last week, the worldscale rate for an Aframax tanker was $46,800 per day. But Equinor and Unipec have chartered Aframax tankers this week for $60,700 per day—a near 30% increase in just one short week.

    That cost is spread out over the 700,000ish barrels of oil that an Aframax tanker holds.

    Europe’s appetite for light, sweet crude oil has increased over the last couple of weeks, as new maritime rules—known as IMO 2020—will cap the amount of sulfur allowed in fuel burned by maritime vessels. This spike in demand is limiting the number of Aframax tankers available, and as such, is increasing the costs to ship the IMO 2020-compliant oil. According to analysts and shipbrokers who spoke to Reuters, this demand could increase US oil exports to 4 million barrels per day, in what would be a new high for the US.

    US exports of crude oil has increased from an average of 2.065 million bpd at the start of the year, 3.633 million bpd now, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

    While IMO 2020 is expected to increase demand for low-sulfur crude, not every country has agreed to the new rules, including Mexico and Thailand, according to Bloomberg, and not every country who has signed it will comply full force from the very beginning.

    The new IMO rules stipulate that ships can only use fuel that contains 0.5 percent of sulfur, down from the current 3.5 percent maximum allowed sulfur content. If a vessel is fitted with a scrubber that captures most of the sulfur in the fuel, it can continue using high-sulfur fuel.






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