

核心摘要:原标题:海上石油勘探2020年前景展望中国石化新闻网讯 据钻机地带12月27日消息称,海上钻探活动一直处于低迷状态,但随着活动的增加,石油产量可能在2020年达到峰值,然后与页岩油一样放缓,这可能会极大地改写市场供应预测。根据IHS的预测,钻机的总体需求将从2019年的473台增加到2021年的550台,增长16%。Transocean副总裁Jeremy Lake证实,今年上半年活跃的浮动钻井平台增加了6%,并预测市场利用率将超过80%。Lake还预计,自升式钻井平台的需求将从2019年的345台增加到2


中国石化新闻网讯 据钻机地带12月27日消息称,海上钻探活动一直处于低迷状态,但随着活动的增加,石油产量可能在2020年达到峰值,然后与页岩油一样放缓,这可能会极大地改写市场供应预测。根据IHS的预测,钻机的总体需求将从2019年的473台增加到2021年的550台,增长16%。Transocean副总裁Jeremy Lake证实,今年上半年活跃的浮动钻井平台增加了6%,并预测市场利用率将超过80%。Lake还预计,自升式钻井平台的需求将从2019年的345台增加到2021年的388台,浮动平台的数量将从69台增至84台,并且钻井船的数量将从59艘增至78艘。

人们对海上钻探的兴趣日益浓厚,这在很大程度上要归功于该行业成功地将成本降低了30%至40%,并提高了生产率。Transocean副总裁Brad Alexander表示:“我们可能已经看到,在墨西哥湾和世界各地作业的一些高规格钻井平台的性能有了大约30%的改进。”








曹海斌 摘译自 钻机地带


Offshore Drilling Poised for an Upswing in 2020?

Offshore drilling has been depressed but, now with increased activity, oil production could peak in 2020 before joining shale in a slowdown that could dramatically rewrite market supply predictions. Overall rig demand is forecast to rise from 473 units in 2019 to 550 units in 2021, an increase of 16 percent according to IHS forecasts. Jeremy Lake, Vice President, Transocean, confirms the 6 percent rise in active floating rigs in the first half of this year and forecasts a market utilization rate above 80 percent. Lake also expects demand for jack-up rigs to increase from 345 units in 2019 to 388 units in 2021, a rise from 69 to 84 floaters and the number of drillships to increase from 59 to 78.

Increasing interest in offshore drilling owes much to industry’s success in reducing costs by between 30 and 40 percent and increasing productivity. “We’ve probably seen an incremental improvement of about 30 percent on some of our high-spec rigs operating in the Gulf of Mexico and around the world,” states Brad Alexander, Vice President of Transocean.

The Offshore rig market comprises four segments namely, jack-ups, floaters, semisubmersible platforms and drill ships.

In Europe and the Far East demand for jack ups is likely to plateau over the next two years. An uptick of activity in the North Sea is expected to see the number of jack-ups climb by one to 30. In contrast, demand in the Far East is expected to fall by 3 units to 43. In North America, demand is unlikely to change much, with overall demand fluctuating between 10 and 11 units. Likewise, South America’s demand for jack-ups is expected to remain stagnant, fluctuating between two and four units in the next two years.

In South America, especially in the Guiana Suriname Basin, forecasters expect at least five floaters to be working for Exxon Mobil by 2021. In Brazil, Petrobras is replacing the floaters it retired. However, the arrival of foreign oil and gas companies to Brazil’s offshore pre-salt areas could support a substantial increase in semi-submersible platforms from 4 to at least 10 in 2021. Likewise, demand for drill ships could rise, from the 14 units this year to at least 23 units, depending on the success of Brazil’s future licensing rounds.

The number of drillships operating off the coast of West Africa could increase from 11 this year to 16 by 2021 and the number of drill ships could raise from 11 to at least 16 in the same period. As for the semi-submersible platforms market, forecasters expect it to remain flat but there could be new potential work arising from Total’s recent Brulpadda discovery off South Africa Springfield find off Ghana.

Elsewhere in Africa, long-term developments are scheduled to begin at the end of 2020 in the waters off Angola, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal and Mauritania.

In the Gulf of Mexico, the number of floaters could rise with forthcoming exploratory drilling. Elsewhere, in Trinidadian waters, two floaters and two drill ships are expected to be used in upcoming years. However, in practice, the demand for rigs will depend on the success of new exploration campaigns.

The industry consensus is that unless offshore production costs fall further, a major improvement in demand for offshore rigs is off the table.







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