

核心摘要:原标题:谁将投资俄罗斯1570亿美元特大石油项目中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网莫斯科报道,俄罗斯最大的国有石油公司俄罗斯石油公司(俄油/Rosneft)的主管日前在东京向日本公司推销了一个大型北极石油项目,为这个预计将耗资1570亿美元项目寻找外国投资。 俄油首席执行官伊戈尔·谢钦不久前在东京会见了来自三菱公司、三井物产公司、伊藤忠商事株式会社、Inpex公司、日本石油勘探公司(JAPEX)和丸红株式会社的代表,为其大型北极沃斯托克石油项目寻求日本资金。 其中两名消息人士对路透社表示,俄罗斯石油巨头将寻


中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网莫斯科报道,俄罗斯最大的国有石油公司俄罗斯石油公司(俄油/Rosneft)的主管日前在东京向日本公司推销了一个大型北极石油项目,为这个预计将耗资1570亿美元项目寻找外国投资。 俄油首席执行官伊戈尔·谢钦不久前在东京会见了来自三菱公司、三井物产公司、伊藤忠商事株式会社、Inpex公司、日本石油勘探公司(JAPEX)和丸红株式会社的代表,为其大型北极沃斯托克石油项目寻求日本资金。 其中两名消息人士对路透社表示,俄罗斯石油巨头将寻求日本投资者为该项目提供10% - 40%的融资。俄油计划与独立石油公司(IPC)组建合资企业来开发北极沃斯托克石油项目。 去年10月,俄罗斯能源部副部长帕维尔·索罗金表示,北极沃斯托克石油项目——不仅包括油田开发,还包括管道、道路和港口基础设施——将耗资1570亿美元(10万亿卢布)。 谢钦曾在去年9月份举行的一个论坛上会见了日本能源公司的高管,他在论坛上强调了北极沃斯托克石油项目对俄罗斯的战略重要性。谢钦表示:“现在,俄罗斯政府正在研究一系列税收激励措施,以实现该国最重要地区的潜力。”


李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网 原文如下: Who will fund this $157 billion mega oil project?

Neftegaz.RU. According to Oilprice, the head of Russia’s largest oil firm, Rosneft, has pitched a massive Arctic oil project to Japanese companies in Tokyo, looking for foreign investment into the project estimated to cost as much as $157 billion, Reuters reported, quoting 3 sources familiar with the meetings.

Rosneft’s CEO Igor Sechin has met with representatives from Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui Co, Itochu Corporation, Inpex Corporation, Japan Petroleum Exploration (JAPEX), and Marubeni, to seek Japanese funding for the Vostok oil project, according to Reuters’s sources. 2 of those sources told Reuters that the Russian oil giant would seek Japanese investors to finance between 10 % and 40 % of the project, which Rosneft plans in a joint venture with Independent Petroleum Company (IPC).

In October, Russia’s deputy energy minister Pavel Sorokin said that the Vostok oil project - which would include not only field development but also pipelines, roads, and port infrastructure - is set to cost $157 billion (10 trillion Russian RUB).

Rosneft’s Sechin met with Japanese energy companies at a forum in September, at which he highlighted the strategic importance of the Vostok oil project for Russia. “Now the Russian Government is working on a scope of tax incentives for the implementation of the country’s most important region’s potential”, Sechin said, referring to tax benefits for Russia’s Arctic oil developments.

During a visit to India in September, Sechin discussed the Vostok project, among other things, with Rosneft saying that “Both parties reiterated their interest in a potential participation of the Indian partners in the Vostok oil project.”






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