中国石化新闻网讯 据天然气加工网站1月2日消息 约旦国家电力公司(NEPCO)表示,总部位于德克萨斯州的诺布尔能源公司已经开始向约旦输送首批以色列天然气。
以色列国有电力公司在一份声明中称,根据NEPCO 2016年与诺布尔能源公司达成的100亿美元交易条款,来自以色列最大海上天然气田利维坦的天然气供应已经开始了为期3个月的试验。
吴恒磊 编译自 天然气加工
Jordan gets first natural gas supplies from Israel
Texas-based Noble Energy has begun pumping the first supplies of Israeli gas to Jordan, Jordan’s National Electricity Company (NEPCO) said, amid opposition in the Middle Eastern kingdom.
The supplies, from Israel’s largest offshore natural gas field Leviathan have begun for an experimental three-month period, according to the terms of a $10 billion deal NEPCO struck with Noble Energy Inc in 2016, the state-owned power utility said in a statement.
“The experimental pumping will continue for three-months under the technical and contractual terms between the two sides,” said the statement by NEPCO which was released in state media with no further details.
Under the agreement, the U.S.-Israeli consortium will supply Jordan gas for 15 years from the field in the Mediterranean.