

核心摘要:原标题:ADNOC有望将石油产量提高至400万桶/天中国石化新闻网讯 据今日海上能源网站1月13日消息 阿联酋油气公司阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)有望在今年年底前将其原油日产量提高到400万桶。阿联酋国务部长兼ADNOC集团首席执行官Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士周六在第四届大西洋理事会全球能源论坛上发表讲话,宣布了原油产量增加的消息,该论坛在阿布扎比举行,作为阿布扎比可持续发展周(ADSW)的一部分。Al Jaber博士首先指出,过去几天地缘政治紧张局势已经消散,平衡和外交似乎占主


中国石化新闻网讯 据今日海上能源网站1月13日消息 阿联酋油气公司阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)有望在今年年底前将其原油日产量提高到400万桶。

阿联酋国务部长兼ADNOC集团首席执行官Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士周六在第四届大西洋理事会全球能源论坛上发表讲话,宣布了原油产量增加的消息,该论坛在阿布扎比举行,作为阿布扎比可持续发展周(ADSW)的一部分。

Al Jaber博士首先指出,过去几天地缘政治紧张局势已经消散,平衡和外交似乎占主导地位。

在向能源领导人和政策制定者发表讲话时,Al Jaber表示,虽然地缘政治的不确定性仍然存在,但进入2020年的全球经济状况似乎比去年要好。他说,随着贸易紧张局势缓解,制造业出现新增长迹象,全球消费者支出加强,我们可以谨慎乐观地展望未来。

Al Jaber博士强调了这些全球经济趋势对能源需求的影响,并概述了阿联酋和ADNOC对快速发展的能源形势的反应。




Al Jaber博士强调,随着阿联酋推动清洁能源的发展,阿联酋也在负责任地增加其碳氢化合物资源,以确保能源可靠地流向全球市场。

吴恒磊 编译自 今日海上能源


ADNOC on track to boost oil production to 4 million bpd

UAE’s oil and gas company ADNOC is on track to increase its crude oil production capacity to four million barrels per day by the end of this year.

Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and Group CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) announced the news about the increase in crude production on Saturday in his address to the 4th Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum, taking place in Abu Dhabi as part of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW).

Dr. Al Jaber began his remarks by noting geopolitical tensions have dissipated over the past few days and wisdom, balance, and diplomacy appear to be prevailing.

Addressing energy leaders and policymakers, Dr. Al Jaber went on to say that while geopolitical uncertainties remain, the global economy going into 2020 appears to be in better shape than last year. He said with trade tensions easing, manufacturing showing signs of renewed growth and global consumer spending strengthening, we can look forward with cautious optimism.

Dr. Al Jaber highlighted the impact of these global economic trends on energy demand and outlined the UAE and ADNOC’s response to the fast-evolving energy landscape.

“This economic outlook means both the short and long-term demand for energy remains robust. Over the next two decades, we will see growth of at least 25 percent in energy demand. This is a rate of increase that no single source can satisfy and presents the key challenge of how to produce more energy with fewer emissions.

“Here in the UAE, we see this challenge as an opportunity and a natural extension of our existing energy leadership. In the last 10 years, we have grown our solar capacity 400 percent and invested in renewable energy projects approaching 12 gigawatts here in the UAE and across 25 countries around the world.

“We are also adding clean nuclear power to our domestic portfolio. Working closely with the International Atomic Energy Agency, this year, the UAE will be the first country in the region to operate a safe commercial, peaceful nuclear power station,” Dr. Al Jaber said.

Dr. Al Jaber emphasized that as the UAE drives clean sources of energy, it is also responsibly growing its hydrocarbon resources to ensure reliable flows of energy to global markets.







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