中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月13日阿布扎比报道,ADNOC(阿布扎比国家石油公司)首席执行官苏丹·贾伯周一表示,阿拉伯联合酋长国的可再生能源投资组合在过去10年里增长了400%以上,并有望在未来十年内再翻一番。
ADNOC将使温室气体强度再降低25%。为了做到这一点,ADNOC在一份声明中表示,将扩大其Al Reyadah碳捕获、利用与封存设施的能力,目标是到2030年达到每年500万吨二氧化碳。
ADNOC周日与印尼的帕塔米纳石油公司和Chandra Asri公司签署了石化和天然气领域的协议。
裘寅 编译自 路透社
UAE to double renewable energy portfolio in next ten years: ADNOC
The United Arab Emirates grew its renewable energy portfolio by more than 400% in the last 10 years, and is on track to double that again in the coming decade, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. [ADNOC.UL] chief executive Sultan al-Jaber said on Monday.
“We (ADNOC) will increase our carbon capture utilization and storage program by 500% ... to capture the same amount of C02 as 5 million acres of forest,” Jaber also told a sustainable energy event in the United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi.
ADNOC will reduce greenhouse gas intensity by an additional 25%. In order to do this, ADNOC said in a statement it would expand the capacity of its Al Reyadah carbon capture, utilization and storage facility, aiming to reach 5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year by 2030.
ADNOC will also limit fresh water consumption to below 0.5% of total water use.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo, visiting Abu Dhabi for the sustainability event, called for more investments in clean energy in his country and said its new capital, currently under construction, would adopt a environmentally friendly and low carbon lifestyle.
Indonesia signed 11 business deals with the United Arab Emirates worth a combined 314.9 trillion rupiah ($23 billion) covering investment in energy and other sectors, Widodo said via his Twitter account on Monday.
ADNOC signed agreements with Indonesia’s Pertamina and Chandra Asri in the petrochemical and gas sectors on Sunday.