原标题:Shelf Drilling与雪佛龙合作在泰国湾开展业务
中国石化新闻网讯 据1月14日Offshore Energy报道,总部位于迪拜的海上钻井承包商Shelf Drilling已与雪佛龙签订了一份合同,为其最近收购的高规格自升式钻井平台在泰国湾的作业提供服务。
去年12月,Shelf Drilling与马士基钻井公司(Maersk Drilling)达成协议,以3800万美元现金购买了马士基钻井公司的钻井平台。该自升式钻井平台的购买和验收工作于今年1月上旬完成,之后Shelf更名为rig-Shelf钻井公司。
Shelf Drilling最初计划通过利用循环信贷工具和现有现金为其收购和部署提供资金,并期望有机会获得长期债务融资,以补充流动资金。
该公司首席执行官戴维•穆伦(David Mullen)表示:“我们很高兴能进一步加强与雪佛龙的合作,并在泰国湾开展业务。”
王佳晶 摘译自 Offshore Energy
Shelf Drilling secures Chevron gig for former Maersk rig
Offshore drilling contractor Shelf Drilling has secured a contract for its recently acquired high-specification jack-up rig, Shelf Drilling Enterprise, with Chevron for operations in the Gulf of Thailand.
Shelf Drilling entered into a deal to buy the the Maersk Completer rig from Maersk Drilling for $38 million in cash in December last year. The purchase and acceptance of the jack-up rig was completed earlier in January after which Shelf renamed the rig Shelf Drilling Enterprise.
In an update on Tuesday, Shelf said that the new contract is expected to start in August 2020 and run through April 2022 with an option to extend. The contract value for the firm period, including mobilization revenue, is $59 million.
Including the purchase price, subsequent reactivation and contract-specific upgrades, the estimated all-in delivered cost of the rig is $81 million.
Shelf Drilling plans to initially fund the acquisition and deployment of the Shelf Drilling Enterprise by drawing on its revolving credit facility and cash on hand and expects to opportunistically access long term debt financing to replenish liquidity.
David Mullen, Chief Executive Officer, Shelf Drilling, said: “We are excited to further expand our business with Chevron and operations in the Gulf of Thailand.”