中国石化新闻网讯 据今日海上能源网站1月13日报道 阿联酋阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)透露,作为其可持续发展目标的一部分,计划到2030年将温室气体排放强度降低25%。
阿联酋国务部长兼ADNOC集团首席执行官Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士在阿布扎比可持续发展周(ADSW)开幕式上发表讲话时宣布了该公司的减排计划,作为一系列全面可持续发展目标的一部分。
目前,Al Reyadah设施每年可捕获80万吨二氧化碳。ADNOC计划通过从自己的天然气厂捕获二氧化碳,将该项目的产能扩大6倍,目标是到2030年达到500万吨二氧化碳/年。
王磊 摘译自 今日海上能源
ADNOC targets 25 pct decrease in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
UAE’s ADNOC has revealed plans to decrease its greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 25 percent by 2030 as part of its sustainability goals.
The company’s plan to reduce the emissions was announced as part of a set of comprehensive sustainability goals by Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and ADNOC Group CEO while speaking at the opening ceremony of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW).
“The sustainability goals underscore ADNOC’s strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance as the company responds to rising global energy demand and delivers its 2030 smart growth strategy. In addition, they are aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals on responsible consumption and production, climate action, protecting biodiversity and enhancing economic opportunity,” the company said.
As part of its sustainability goals, ADNOC plans to decrease its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity by 25 percent by 2030. According to the International Association of Oil Gas Producers (IOGP), ADNOC currently ranks in the top five lowest GHG emitters in the oil and gas industry and has one of the lowest methane intensities of 0.01 percent.
ADNOC also committed to limit its freshwater consumption ratio to below 0.5 percent of total water use. Today, over 99 percent of the water ADNOC uses for cooling purposes is extracted seawater which is discharged back to sea after undergoing treatment to ensure compliance with ADNOC’s strict discharge standards.”
To enable ADNOC’s goal to reduce its GHG intensity by 25 percent, ADNOC said it was building on the success of the region’s first commercial-scale carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) facility.
Currently, Al Reyadah facility has the capacity to capture 800,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. ADNOC plans to expand the capacity of this program six-fold by capturing CO2 from its own gas plants, with the aim of reaching 5 million tonnes of CO2 every year by 2030.
ADNOC noted it has a longstanding zero intentional flaring policy, which has reduced the volume of natural gas flared by more than 90 percent since the inception of the company.
Also during the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, ADNOC said it was on track to increase its crude oil production capacity to four million barrels per day by the end of this year.