中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月14日消息,挪威国家石油公司(Equinor)周二表示,该公司已获得挪威石油和能源部颁发的23个新生产许可证,其中14个由挪国油负责运营,9个由合作伙伴负责运营。
挪国油负责挪威和英国勘探业务的高级副总裁Nick Ashton表示:“这些新的生产许可证使我们能够开发新的前景区,并在挪威大陆架新的气候路线图范围内开发出有利可图的资源。”
庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯
Equinor Gets 23 New Production Licenses on Norwegian Continental Shelf
Equinor ASA (EQNR.OS) said Tuesday that it has been awarded 23 new production licenses by Norway s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, with 14 of the licenses being Equinor-operated and 9 partner-operated.
The award enables us to mature new prospects and prove profitable resources that can be developed within the scope of our new climate roadmap for the Norwegian continental shelf, says Nick Ashton, Equinor s senior vice president for exploration in Norway and the U.K.
Equinor has been awarded 8 production licenses in the North Sea, 8 in the Norwegian Sea and 7 in the Barents Sea.