

核心摘要:原标题:挪威为PGNiG批准3个新的开发区块中国石化新闻网讯 波兰石油和天然气公司凭借获得新的勘探开发区块,丰富了其在挪威大陆的投资组合。它是挪威石油和能源部在预先确定的领域授予勘探开发的一部分。因此,PGNiG集团持有的现有开发区块数量增加到了29个。其中它经营的有4个区块。挪威上游的PGNiG是在挪威运营的28家获得新开发区块的石油公司之一。根据地质和技术含量对应用进行了审查和排名。新获得的PL1064和PL 1009B两个授权开发区块位于挪威海,而PL636C授权开发区块位于北海。“根据PGNiG的


中国石化新闻网讯 波兰石油和天然气公司凭借获得新的勘探开发区块,丰富了其在挪威大陆的投资组合。它是挪威石油和能源部在预先确定的领域授予勘探开发的一部分。因此,PGNiG集团持有的现有开发区块数量增加到了29个。其中它经营的有4个区块。

挪威上游的PGNiG是在挪威运营的28家获得新开发区块的石油公司之一。根据地质和技术含量对应用进行了审查和排名。新获得的PL1064和PL 1009B两个授权开发区块位于挪威海,而PL636C授权开发区块位于北海。

“根据PGNiG的战略,我们正在挪威大陆上开发油气的生产。2022年以后,在那里开采和购买的天然气将成为波兰个人客户和企业家使用的重要商品。”首席执行官评论Jerzy Kwieciński PGNiG和补充道:“我们在挪威的企业是波兰公司近年来在国际市场上取得高商业地位的一个例子”。

PL636C授权开发区块是PL636油田项目的延伸,包括Duva气田和油田。PGNiG目前持有20%的股份。挪威当局最近批准了去年与潘迪翁能源公司(Pandion Energy)达成的收购杜瓦10%股份的交易。该领域的运营商是Neptun Energy Norge(30%的股份),除PGNiG外,其他合作伙伴有日本出光(Idemitsu)、潘迪翁能源公司和Solveig Gas Norway。


PL1064授权开发区块位于Skarv油田附近,紧挨着PL1009和PL1009B开发区块,其中PGNiG获得了30%的股份。康菲石油公司(ConocoPhillips)成为了它的运营商(40%的股份),仅次于PGNiG的第二大合作伙伴是Aker BP(30%的股份)。

赵斌 编译自 Neftegaz.RU


3 new licenses for PGNiG in Norway

Polish Oil and Gas Company has enriched its portfolio on the Norwegian Continental Shelf with new exploration licenses. It was awarded as part of the Awards in Predefined Areas by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Thus, the number of concessions on the shelf in which the PGNiG Group holds shares increased to 29. It has status of the operator on 4 of them.

PGNiG Upstream Norway was among the 28 oil companies operating in Norway that were granted new license areas. Applications were reviewed and ranked based on geology and technology content. 2 of the newly received licenses - PL1064 and PL 1009B are located in the Norwegian Sea, while the PL636C license in the North Sea.

“In line with the strategy of PGNiG, we are developing production of hydrocarbons on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. After 2022, natural gas extracted and purchased there will constitute a significant part of the commodity used by Polish individual customers and entrepreneurs,” commented Jerzy Kwieciński, CEO of PGNiG and added: “Our enterprise in Norway is an example of the high business position that Polish companies have achieved in recent years on the international market”.

The PL636C license is an extension of the PL636 license, which includes the Duva gas and oil field. PGNiG currently holds 20 % shares. Takeover of an additional 10 % shares in Duva as a result of last year s transaction with Pandion Energy was recently approved by the Norwegian authorities. The operator on this field is Neptun Energy Norge (30 % shares), and next to PGNiG, the other partners are Idemitsu, Pandion Energy and Solveig Gas Norway.

The PL1009B license is an extension of the PL1009 license, where PGNiG plans to drill an exploratory well in cooperation with ConocoPhillips by the end of 2020. In this license, PGNiG received 35 % shares, and the role of the operator is held by ConocoPhillips (65 %).

License PL1064, in which PGNiG received 30 % shares, is located near the Skarv field, in the immediate vicinity of the PL1009 and PL1009B licenses. ConocoPhillips became its operator (40 % shares), and the 2nd partner next to PGNiG is Aker BP (30 %).






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