

核心摘要:原标题:加拿大IPC宣布收购南艾伯塔省的轻油资产中国石化新闻网讯 据全球石油新闻1月21日消息称,国际石油公司高兴地宣布,它已达成协议,以总股本和债务约5900万美元(7720万加元)的代价收购Granite石油公司。此次收购包括截至2019年12月31日已探明的总储量加上可能储量,总计1400万桶油当量(MMboe)和620万桶无风险的或有资源(最佳估计)。目前的产量约为每天1500桶石油,轻质油的生产潜力还有待进一步开发,接近IPC目前在阿尔伯塔省南部的作业区域。此次收购包括位于艾伯塔省米尔克河地区的


中国石化新闻网讯 据全球石油新闻1月21日消息称,国际石油公司高兴地宣布,它已达成协议,以总股本和债务约5900万美元(7720万加元)的代价收购Granite石油公司。此次收购包括截至2019年12月31日已探明的总储量加上可能储量,总计1400万桶油当量(MMboe)和620万桶无风险的或有资源(最佳估计)。目前的产量约为每天1500桶石油,轻质油的生产潜力还有待进一步开发,接近IPC目前在阿尔伯塔省南部的作业区域。





IPC首席执行官Mike Nicholson表示:“我们非常激动地宣布,在IPC成立不到三年的时间里,我们第三次收购高质量的运营资产。Granite的收购提供了一个新的资源通道,增加了额外的储量、资源和生产的寿命,并提高了具有巨大增长潜力的高利润率轻油产量。我们相信,在未来三年内,我们可以将目前的产量提高一倍以上,用这些资产产生的现金流为这种增长提供更多资金。”

曹海斌 摘译自 全球石油新闻


International Petroleum Corp. Announces Acquisition of Light Oil Assets in Southern Alberta

International Petroleum Corp. is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Granite Oil Corp. for total equity and debt consideration of approximately USD 59 million (CAD 77.2 million). The Acquisition includes total proved plus probable (“2P”) reserves of 14.0 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe) and 6.2 MMboe of unrisked contingent resources (best estimate) as at December 31, 2019. The current production is approximately 1,500 barrels of oil per day (bopd) with further potential for light oil production and development upside, close to IPC’s current area of operations in southern Alberta.

The Acquisition is comprised of high netback, light oil producing assets in the Milk River area of Alberta, located southwest of IPC’s existing operations in the Suffield area, just north of the US border. The Assets are currently producing approximately 1,500 bopd of 29° API oil, from an oil pool which extends over a 50 kilometre fairway. The Assets include existing infrastructure to enable the current gas injection enhanced oil recovery (EOR) scheme, with capacity to allow for potential further field development opportunities. The Assets also include associated oil and gas processing and injection facilities located in proximity to key sales points. Granite reported combined average wellhead prices of CAD 68.50 per boe and operating netbacks of CAD 34.73 per boe for the third quarter of 2019.

On completion of the Acquisition, almost all of the current production and infrastructure will be 100% owned and operated by IPC. The Acquisition will complement IPC’s current southeast Alberta operations. The Assets will be managed by IPC’s existing Canadian management team, with support from the operational teams currently working with the Assets.

Total 2P reserves attributed to the Assets as at December 31, 2019 are 14.0 MMboe, of which close to 100% are light oil. The Assets also include 6.2 MMboe of unrisked contingent resources (best estimate) as at December 31, 2019.

The Acquisition aligns with IPC’s strategy to target low risk production assets with further development potential. IPC expects to provide further information at its Capital Markets Day on February 11, 2020 regarding the Assets and IPC’s plans to optimise production and pursue further development activities.

Mike Nicholson, CEO of IPC, comments: ‘‘We are very excited to announce our third acquisition of high quality operated assets in less than three years since IPC was created. The acquisition of Granite provides access to a new resource play fairway that adds additional reserves, resources and production of long life, high margin light oil with significant growth potential. We believe that we can more than double current production levels within the next three years, more than fully funding this growth with the cash flows generated from these assets.’







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