

核心摘要:原标题:2019年上游行业引领O&A并购交易中国石化新闻网讯 据海事新闻2月11日消息称,一项最新研究显示,2019年全球油气行业的并购交易中,上游行业占了大部分,在此过程中产生了一些高价值交易。根据GlobalData的主题报告《2020年油气并购》,2019年4月,西方石油公司(OXY)以570亿美元收购阿纳达科石油公司(APC),成为去年油气并购活动的亮点。GlobalData的石油和天然气分析师Ravindra Puranik表示:“2019年,上游行业,尤其是美国页岩油行业,见证了油气行业最高的


中国石化新闻网讯 据海事新闻2月11日消息称,一项最新研究显示,2019年全球油气行业的并购交易中,上游行业占了大部分,在此过程中产生了一些高价值交易。


GlobalData的石油和天然气分析师Ravindra Puranik表示:“2019年,上游行业,尤其是美国页岩油行业,见证了油气行业最高的交易活动。位于特拉华州、得克萨斯州米德兰盆地和新墨西哥州的租赁地是美国最受追捧的资产之一,这主要是因为它们靠近墨西哥湾沿岸的炼油和石化设。”





曹海斌 摘译自 海事新闻


Upstream Sector Leads O A M A in 2019

A latest research revealed that the upstream sector accounted for the bulk of mergers and acquisitions (M A) in the global oil and gas industry in 2019, generating some high-value transactions during the process.

According to GlobalData s theme report, ‘M A in Oil and Gas – 2020’, the acquisition of Anadarko Petroleum (APC) by Occidental Petroleum (OXY) in April 2019 for a purchase consideration of US$57bn was the highlight of oil and gas M A activity last year, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Ravindra Puranik, Oil Gas Analyst at GlobalData, said: “In 2019, the upstream sector, more specifically the US shale plays, witnessed the highest deal activity in the oil and gas industry. The leaseholds in Delaware and Midland Basins of Texas and New Mexico were among the most sought after assets in the US, largely due to their proximity to the refining and petrochemical complexes along the Gulf of Mexico.

Ravindra added: In fact, the vast acreage held by Anadarko Petroleum in the Permian Basin was the main reason behind its acquisition by Occidental Petroleum to mark the biggest deal of last year. Oil and gas companies also acquired assets in the gas-rich Appalachia Basin as it serves key commercial centers on the US East Coast.”

The oil sands deposits of Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada also featured in deal activity in 2019 as companies, especially the non-Canadian ones, divested their assets to Canadian operators amid infrastructure and environmental concerns. In one such transaction, US-based Devon Energy (DVN) sold its oil sands assets to Canadian Natural Resources (CNQ) to focus on operations in the US.

Puranik added: “Divestment was also the reason for deal activity in other regions, such as the North Sea, the Caspian Sea, and the Australian upstream sector as oil and gas multinationals embarked on portfolio optimization. This was led by ConocoPhillips (COP) and Chevron (CVX), while other companies, including BP, ExxonMobil, and Shell followed suit. More divestments are expected from oil majors in 2020 as oil and gas prices are anticipated to remain low in the near future.”

The midstream and downstream sectors also witnessed notable deals in 2019, particularly for pipeline assets in key oil and gas producing regions around the world. Petrobras, Marathon Petroleum (MPC), Saudi Aramco, and Total were among the companies executing high-value deals in midstream and downstream sectors in 2019.






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