BP Sets Ambition For Net Zero By 2050
BP today set a new ambition to become a net zero company by 2050 or sooner, and to help the world get to net zero。 The ambition is supported by ten aims。
To deliver all this, BP will fundamentally transform its whole organisation, and maintain its commitment to performing while transforming。
BPs new ambition to be a net zero company by 2050 or sooner covers the greenhouse gas emissions from its operations worldwide, currently around 55 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (MteCO2e) a year, and the carbon in the oil and gas that it produces, equivalent currently to around 360 MteCO2e emissions a year – both on an absolute basis。
Taken together, delivery of these aims would equate to a reduction in emissions to net zero from what is currently around 415 MteCO2e a year。
Therefore, BP also aims to help its customers reduce their emissions by halving the carbon intensity of the products it sells, again by 2050 or sooner – offering customers more and better choices of low- and no-carbon products。
BP also aims to install methane measurement at all of its existing major oil and gas processing sites by 2023 and then reduce the methane intensity of its operations by 50%。
“Nike Impact Report” For Fiscal Year 2019 Released

Nike released its “Nike Impact Report” for fiscal year 2019。 This year, Nike has seen progress in waste recycle and reuse, water and sustainable materials targets, public engagement in sports and community impact。
In fiscal year 2019, 76% of Nike footwear and apparel are made from recycled materials, a 3% increase from last year。
Also, 99.9% of footwear manufacturing waste was recycled or converted to energy by Nike contract factories。
This year, Nike transformed more than 1 billion plastic bottles into recycled apparel and footwear products。
Additionally, Nike contracted 600,000 megawatt hours of renewable energy per year which represents more than 75% of Nike global electricity load。
In terms of water, Nike achieved its 2020 commitment to reduce freshwater use by 20% in textile dyeing and finishing 18 months early, and closed fiscal year 2019 125% ahead of target。
Bloomberg Data Available To Goldman Sachs Clients Through Marquee
Bloomberg and Goldman Sachs announced that access to Bloombergs world class Data License content will be integrated with the Goldman Sachs Marquee platform, making it the first global investment bank to use Bloomberg data for in-house applications offered to clients。
With increasing efficiency in trading, financial institutions are looking to use data and technology to offer their clients more compelling and efficient solutions。
Through this contractual relationship, users of Marquee, the digital storefront of the Goldman Sachs Securities Division, will be able to view Bloomberg reference and pricing data。
This data can be used as part of Goldman Sachs suite of services and analytical tools, providing clients with seamless transition between Goldman data and Bloomberg data。
Marquee clients who are also Bloomberg Data clients will be able to license and download this data directly, increasing efficiency and streamlining their data workflow。
Bloomberg and Goldman Sachs are collaborating on a number of solutions including the new analytics hosting service for algorithmic orders on FXGO。
Education Startups Empower Liberal Arts Students To Compete In Tech Industry
College students who want to pursue the liberal arts subjects theyre passionate about can still get the technical training they need to compete in a job market that demands those skills thanks to the Seattle startup Adjacent Academies。
Founded in 2019, Adjacent is the brainchild of San Francisco-based venture studio Entangled Group and Davidson College in North Carolina。
公司首席执行官Anh Nguyen表示,“我们的目标是加强而不是取代文科教育,让更多的学生在创新和科技日益推动的经济中获得更广泛的机会。”
“Our goal is to enhance — not to replace — a liberal arts education and enable more students to access a broader range of opportunities in an economy that is increasingly driven by innovation and technology,” the CEO Anh Nguyen said。
Adjacent is not a coding bootcamp。 The startup offers semester and summer study programs in U.S。 innovation hubs — Seattle, San Francisco and Austin — where students can earn credits while picking up valuable skills that go beyond the technical capabilities so often aimed at landing specific jobs。
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