中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程网站2月18日消息 墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)首席执行官表示,公司已开始与油田服务公司签订合同,该油田服务公司特意应邀投标一批新的优先勘探和生产项目。
首席执行官Octavio Romero在墨西哥湾南部海岸坎佩切州的众多Pemex装置所在地Ciudad del Carmen举行的一次能源活动期间表示,封闭式招标过程为Pemex节约了成本。
Romero 周四晚些时候对记者说:“我们邀请组成联合体的公司实施这些综合项目,从设施建设、钻井、铺设海洋和陆上管道……提供最优惠价格的财团中标。”
这位首席执行官说,他预计今年项目的所有相关合同将在今年年中敲定。Romero是总统Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador的密友,他此前曾表示,Pemex计划每年发现和开发20个新的油气田,业内分析师认为这些目标极为乐观。
吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程
Pemex Signs Contracts for New Oil Projects
Mexican national oil company Pemex has begun signing contracts with oilfield service firms specifically invited to submit bids for a new batch of priority exploration and production projects, the state-owned company s chief executive said.
CEO Octavio Romero said on the sidelines of an energy event in Ciudad del Carmen, home to numerous Pemex installations in the southern Gulf Coast state of Campeche, that the closed bidding process offers Pemex cost savings.
We invite the companies, who form consortia to carry out these comprehensive projects, from construction of the facilities, the drilling of wells, laying both marine and onshore pipelines ... and the consortium that offers the best price wins, Romero told reporters late on Thursday.
The CEO said he expects all the related contracting for this year s projects to be finalized by the middle of this year. Romero, a close confidant of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has previously said Pemex aims to discover and develop 20 new oil and gas fields each year, targets viewed as extremely optimistic by industry analysts.