中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网2月18日圣彼得堡报道,俄罗斯第3大石油公司俄罗斯天然气工业石油公司(俄气石油)时下正在扩大其符合环保的船用燃料MARPOL的生产和销售。MARPOL是俄气石油位于鄂木斯克的炼油厂自2020年1月以来一直在生产的一种新的含硫量为0.5%的船用燃料。
RME-180 m等级船用燃料是俄气石油的专有产品,向生产符合环保船用燃料的转变已经成为可能,这要归功于俄气石油自2008年开始实施的鄂木斯克炼油厂正在进行的开发计划。
环保型船用燃料的销售由俄气石油加注业务运营商俄气石油海洋加注公司承担。一艘“俄气石油-鄂木斯克”号加油船日前把第一批这种环保型船用燃料装载到意大利“Ice Point”号油轮上。
李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网
Gazprom Neft increases production of low-sulphur marine fuels
Gazprom Neft is expanding its production and sale of MARPOL-compliant environmentally-friendly marine fuels - the company’s Omsk Refinery having been producing a new 0.5 % low-sulphur fuel since January 2020.
RME-180 M-grade marine fuel is a Gazprom Neft proprietary product. The transition to producing environmentally-friendly marine fuel has been made possible thanks to the ongoing development programme at the company’s Omsk Refinery, under implementation since 2008.
3,5 km of pipelines to transport marine-fuel components to the mixing and shipment facility were installed at the Omsk Refinery in preparing for production of this new offering. On-stream analysers installed at the mixing facility monitor product quality, in real time.
Sales of environmentally-friendly marine fuels are undertaken by Gazpromneft-Marine Bunker, operator of the Gazprom Neft bunkering business. The first consignment of this environmentally-friendly fuel was undertaken onboard the Italian Ice Point tanker by a Gazpromneft-Omsk bunkering vessel.