原标题:美国钻机数量下降 页岩油产量增速放缓
中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社2月28日报道,因部分企业预计页岩油气产量增长将放缓,生产商将在2020年连续第二年削减新钻井支出,美国能源企业4周来首次减少石油钻井平台数量。
能源服务公司贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)在上周五发布的报告中称,在截至2月28日的一周内,钻井公司削减了1个钻井平台,使总数降至678个,较去年同期的843个下降了约20%。2月份,钻井平台增加了3个,这是三个月来的第二次月度增长。
由于独立的勘探和生产(E P)公司削减了新钻井的支出,以满足股东在低能源价格环境下获得更好财务回报的需求,石油钻井平台数量在2018年上升138个之后,在2019年下降了208座。
美国油服巨头斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger NV)首席执行官周二表示,未来两年美国页岩油产量增速将大幅放缓。美国金融服务公司Cowen Co表示,40家勘探与生产公司报告了2020年的支出预期,同比下降13%。
今年以来,美国活跃的石油和天然气钻井平台总数平均为791个。大多数钻井平台同时生产石油和天然气。Simmons Energy分析师和美国投资银行Piper Sandler的能源专家预测,油气钻井平台的年平均数量将从2019年的943个下降到2020年的816个,然后在2021年上升到848个。
王佳晶 摘译自 路透社
U.S. drillers cut oil rigs for first week in four -Baker Hughes
U.S. energy firms reduced the number of oil rigs operating for the first time in four weeks as some companies expect output growth from shale formations to slow as producers cut spending on new drilling for a second consecutive year in 2020.
Drillers cut 1 oil rig in the week to Feb. 28, bringing the total count down to 678, energy services firm Baker Hughes Co said in its closely followed report on Friday.
That is a decline of 20% from the same week last year when 843 rigs were active.
In February, drillers added 3 rigs, their second monthly increase in three months.
Looking ahead, U.S. crude futures were trading around $45 a barrel for the balance of 2020 and about $47 for calendar 2021. That compares with an average of $57.04 in 2019.
The oil rig count, an early indicator of future output, dropped by an average of 208 rigs in 2019 after rising 138 rigs in 2018 as independent exploration and production (E P) companies cut spending on new drilling to meet shareholder demand for better financial returns in a low energy price environment.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration projected crude output will rise about 8% in 2020 to 13.2 million barrels per day (bpd) and 3% in 2021 to 13.6 million bpd from a record 12.2 million bpd in 2019.
Growth in U.S. shale oil production will slow sharply over the next two years, the chief executive officer of U.S. oilfield services giant Schlumberger NV said on Tuesday.
U.S. financial services firm Cowen Co said 40 of the independent E Ps it watches reported spending estimates for 2020, implying a 13% year-over-year decline in 2020.
Year-to-date, the total number of oil and gas rigs active in the United States has averaged 791. Most rigs produce both oil and gas.
Analysts at Simmons Energy, energy specialists at U.S. investment bank Piper Sandler, have forecast the annual average combined oil and gas rig count will slide from 943 in 2019 to 816 in 2020 before rising to 848 in 2021.