

核心摘要:原标题:阿帕奇退出美国西德克萨斯页岩项目中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油网站2月27日报道 阿帕奇(Apache)正式宣布放弃在西德克萨斯州一个广为宣传但令人失望的页岩勘探发现,之前阿帕奇曾激烈捍卫该地区具有勘探潜力长达约三年之久。这家总部位于休斯顿的公司公布了其Alpine High项目约30亿美元的减记额。这是2016年的一项发现,但后来证明该地区持有的天然气多于石油,最终失败。阿帕奇将转而关注苏里南的海外资产。阿帕奇最近在苏里南开采原油,并以法国石油巨头道达尔作为合作伙伴。阿帕奇管道公司Altus Mi


中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油网站2月27日报道 阿帕奇(Apache)正式宣布放弃在西德克萨斯州一个广为宣传但令人失望的页岩勘探发现,之前阿帕奇曾激烈捍卫该地区具有勘探潜力长达约三年之久。

这家总部位于休斯顿的公司公布了其Alpine High项目约30亿美元的减记额。这是2016年的一项发现,但后来证明该地区持有的天然气多于石油,最终失败。阿帕奇将转而关注苏里南的海外资产。阿帕奇最近在苏里南开采原油,并以法国石油巨头道达尔作为合作伙伴。

阿帕奇管道公司Altus Midstream首席执行官Clay Bretches在一份声明中说:“阿帕奇目前还没有在Alpine High进行钻探的计划”。

该勘探商在2016年9月大张旗鼓地宣布,并声称该油田拥有30亿桶原油和75万亿立方英尺天然气。但很快,人们就发现,在这个多产的二叠纪盆地的一角,天然气及其副产品远比更有价值的石油丰富。随着该地区天然气供应的膨胀和价格的暴跌,Alpine High地区对投资者来说更加令人担忧。

直到最近,阿帕奇的高管们还在为Alpine High辩护,他们在5月份表示,投资者还认为Alpine High的液体开采可能产生升值的现金流”。

但大约五个月后,领导现该油田的阿帕奇地质学家突然离开。当时,阿帕奇负责全球勘探的高级副总裁Steven Keenan离职,为该公司另一个备受瞩目的勘探前景苏里南近海地区亮起了红灯。


阿帕奇首席执行官John Christmann在第四季度财报中表示:“我们目前正在58号区块钻探第二口井Sapakara West-1,目前看到的情况令我们感到鼓舞。”

John Christmann说,公司现在将把资本支出转移到苏里南,而不是短期增长机会。与此同时,Altus Midstream将寻找新的客户填补其管道。

Bretches 在Altus第四季度财报中表示:“我们正积极寻求第三方交易量,以取代Alpine High产量下降的局面,并最大限度地提高我们Diamond加工厂的产量。”

王磊 摘译自 世界石油


Apache takes $3B writedown as it quits West Texas shale project

Apache is officially calling it quits on a highly publicized but disappointing shale discovery in West Texas after vehemently defending the play’s prospects for about three years.

The Houston-based company posted a roughly $3 billion writedown on its Alpine High project, a find from 2016 that fizzled when it turned out to hold more natural gas than oil. Apache will instead focus on offshore riches in Suriname, where the explorer recently struck crude and enlisted French oil titan Total SA as a partner.

“Apache has no current plans for future drilling at Alpine High,” Clay Bretches, chief executive officer of Apache’s pipeline spinoff, Altus Midstream Co., said in a statement.

The discovery was announced in September 2016 to much fanfare and claims the field held 3 billion barrels of crude and 75 trillion cubic feet of gas. But it quickly became apparent that that corner of the prolific Permian Basin was far richer in natural gas and its byproducts than more-valuable oil. The Alpine High became even more worrisome for investors as gas supplies in the region ballooned and prices cratered.

Until recently, Apache executives defended the Alpine High, saying in May that investors didn’t yet “have an appreciation for the potential cash flow generation from the liquids play at Alpine High.”

But roughly five months later, the star Apache geologist who led discovery of the field abruptly left. At the time, the departure of Steven Keenan, Apache’s senior vice president of worldwide exploration, raised red flags for the company’s other high-profile prospect -- offshore Suriname.

Apache calmed investors who were nervous Suriname would be a bust last month when it disclosed a major discovery. The announcement came shortly after Apache brought Total aboard to help develop the project on Suriname’s Block 58.

“We are currently drilling the second well on Block 58, Sapakara West-1, and are encouraged by what we’ve seen so far,” Apache CEO John Christmann said Wednesday in a fourth-quarter earnings statement.

The company will now shift its capital spending to focus on Suriname rather than on “near-term growth opportunities,” Christmann said. Altus Midstream, meanwhile, will look for new customers to fill its pipes.

“We are aggressively pursuing third-party volumes to replace declining production from Alpine High and maximize throughput at our Diamond processing facility,” Bretches said in Altus’ fourth-quarter earnings statement.







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